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My First Hackathon

Right before Easter break, I found myself scrolling through the weekly Maths newsletter (procrastinating something very important, I’m sure). Some way down, a bright banner caught my eye: Athena Hackathon 2021.  “Erm, not for me,” was the exact thought I had as I scrolled past it. All I knew about hackathons was that they involved …

Sustainability Week: How to be a more Sustainable Student

Tomorrow marks the beginning of University of Nottingham’s Sustainability week. From University Mental Health Day to Advocate Magazine launch, this upcoming week promises to cover all aspects of Sustainability. News about climate change and evidence of our detrimental impact on the environment can often leave you wondering, what could I possibly do to be more …

Friendly Hacks for Sustainable Student Living

Hello! A few weeks ago I wrote about the top 5 places to find tasty veggie food on campus, and today I’m coming to you with more sustainable student content! In honour of Go Green Week, I’m going to share with you my ‘life hacks’ for sustainable student living on a budget. In this post …