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Where to get Cheap Books

When it comes to your university course, it is highly likely that you will be required to purchase at least some books. Although you will probably be given a list at containing the names of 10 plus books, it is worth finding out which ones are absolutely necessary since books can be expensive even without …

Finding the time to do ‘everything’

University life is a treasure trove of opportunities. There’s so many things I want to get involved with on a daily basis. It would be silly of me not to take up these chances whilst I can. But time and energy are huge factors that need to be considered. Since being involved in Welcome Week …

Living in a Student House

When you reach second year, it is normal to move out of halls and into a student house. At Nottingham, most people tend to occupy the student area of Lenton, although Beeston is becoming an increasingly popular student area. Despite having only lived in my student house for a few weeks, the differences between halls …

How To Make Halls Feel More Like Home

With the start of the new academic year, a lot of you will be moving into halls for the first time ever! As exciting as that exclamation mark makes it seem, the move is rarely anything but time consuming, messy, and tiring. Trading in your comfy bedroom back home for the shoebox that is uni …

A Letter to my Freshers’ Self

Oi Lucy, Calm down. Going to university is a nerve racking experience for everyone. As much as you hate clichés, for once in your life, embrace the idea that ‘everyone in is in the same boat’. I know you’re having restless nights right now: you are not the most social, party-mad or smartest person around, …

Between worlds: Growing up as a ‘Third Culture Kid’

Recently, I wrangled my family together to watch Hasan Minhaj’s comedy special on Netflix. For those of you who don’t know who that is, Minhaj gained massive popularity as a correspondent on The Daily Show and for his witty banter and unbridled honesty at the White House correspondent’s dinner. His comedy special, Homecoming King, however, …

Tips for Living With Flatmates

So, you’re off to university, an experience that is likely to be your first time away from home for such an extended length of time. If moving away isn’t daunting enough in itself, the idea of sharing a flat with 4+ strangers is probably enough to induce some form of worry. Speaking as someone who …

My Guide to Surviving University

—> For those of you who don’t like walls of text, skim over the TLDR; in bold to get the general gist of the post! I’m aiming this blog post at all those A-level students who’ve recently found out what University they’ve got into. First things first, give yourself a pat on the back because …

Things I didn’t expect to miss about university life

Student life is great for so many reasons – the diversity of the people you can meet, the topics you can study, the new places you can go. Those sort of things are what you expect to miss when at home, for summer or permanently. Yet what has surprised me the most about being home …

Throwback Tuesday: Placements During High School

While I was scrolling through social media as I do much too often these days, I came across a message from a former mentor that I met two summers ago. She is a paediatric surgeon who used to work at the Frontier Lifeline Hospital in Chennai, India. And it is under her guidance that I …