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Writing a dissertation – things I wish I had known!

After having done what seemed like the impossible, and handing my dissertation in last week (cue round of applause!!) I’ve been reflecting on things that I wish I had known prior to writing a dissertation. I feel that it is particularly difficult to gauge how well your diss is going considering that, chances are, it’s …

Tips for saving money on your food shop

Those dreaded two words ‘food shop’ make students cringe so easily, either because it means spending money or because it means a long hike in the rain which just seems like too much effort.  Nonetheless, although we don’t have parents around us to make sure that we’re getting our 5 a day (unless they mean overpriced coffees?), …

Revision Refreshments

Dainties These are little shrivelled fruits often dusted with sugar (the fig dainties pictured forgo this accessory). Succumbing to the powerful temptation of a dried fruit dainty produces a thrilling, impish, almost minx-like sensation akin to the buzz one feels when engaging in a mild act of thievery. Do not feign innocent confusion, you are …

What I learnt from being sober for 10 months

During my first year of University, many students began to participate in ‘Sober October’ as a way of giving their livers a bit of a break and doing a good deed for charity at the same time. However, I thought that I could use a challenge and really needed to get my head down for work so …

Reasons to Work Part-Time During Your Studies

I remember starting University and feeling overwhelmed with how incredible it felt to have so much money (i.e my overdraft) until I paid rent for my catered halls… and then had nothing left! Since then, I have always been working part-time (I am in currently in 4th year) and I haven’t looked back since! If …

Top Tips when House Hunting for the First Time

Whether you’re excited to leave halls for the first time or if you feel you didn’t make the best of decisions when house hunting this year round, here are some top tips for house hunting in Nottingham to make sure that your next academic year goes smoothly! I get by with a little help from …

A Guide to Overcoming Disorganisation

At the beginning of every term I’ve been at university, I have told myself that this will be the semester that I will be organised. Whether that means keeping on top of my workload, eating regular (normal) meals or sticking to a general ‘life’ schedule, I set out to manage my life to a T. …

Top Tips for your Year Abroad

I was fortunate enough to be able to spend the third year of my degree in Paris – my favourite city in the world. However, it can be easy to look back on the whole experience through a rose-tinted lens so I’ve done some reflecting on things that I wish I had known before I …

Discover Songs and Top Brain Food Snacks for the Library

Here’s a list of my favourite ‘brain food’ snacks you can enjoy in the library (linked to some of my favourite songs, get discovering!)- because nobody wants to be that person crunching a packet of monster munch whilst pretending that the smell isn’t actually travelling across the whole floor. Luckily, these foods are known to boost brain …

Dealing with ‘Writer’s Block’ During Deadlines

It’s that grey time of year again – amid all of the festivities and Christmas lights in Nottingham, many of us are getting our heads down in Hallward and trying to bash out an essay which we should have realistically started a few weeks ago. Sometimes, having a deadline looming over you can really boost …