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Attending Conferences and Networking

I’ve had the privilege of attending numerous conferences over the past year to present the work that I have done as a part of my dissertation. Before this, I didn’t know much about what a conference was, what it meant to attend one, or even how to dress! So hopefully this blog post will give …

My path to postgraduate study

This guest post is written by third-year PhD student, Declan Wayne. I started my academic career at the University of Nottingham in 2010. I knew I wanted to study science but wasn’t exactly sure what area I wanted to focus on, however, I was certain that my passion was in human physiology. I came across …

Academic conferenc-ing 101

Happy April to you all! Spring has sprung and it is conference season! I would like to provide some quick advice on participating in an academic conference. There are multiple sources online that provide tips on how to attend a conference. Here is a summary of the most basic tips: Practice your talk and be …

4 ways post-grad research life is different to that of under-grad

If you choose to go into post-graduate research, be it MRes, MPhil, PhD, etc. you’re going to notice a few things change pretty quickly, compared to your time as an undergraduate. Here’s a few observations/occurences I’ve noticed as an MRes student: If you’re lazy, you lose out. Now, hopefully as an undergrad you were attending …

A day in the life of a postgraduate research student.

Now then, I’ve chatted before about improving time efficiency, waking up earlier, considerations when choosing a post-grad degree, and things to do in Nottingham, so I figure it’s about time I provide a little insight for those of you who might be considering post-grad research (MRes/MPhil/PhD, etc) to take a glimpse into my day-to-day. Of …

The Lab Sessions

As you may already know from my previous posts on the blog, I am currently in the midst of my research project for which I will have to write up a 7000-word dissertation. I consider myself as one of the lucky ones as I only have to write up what my school calls a “mini-dissertation” which …

Portugal Field Course

So here I am, after a week’s recovery in my own bed, two days waiting for my bag to get back from Lisbon and a cheeky trip to Sandhurst to play netball, I’m finally getting the chance to sit down and write properly about the Portugal Field Course. * * * A week watching crab …

Crystal Menth

Most of my week has been dominated by Fresher’s flu* so I have been enjoying the delights of night nurse, lemsip, olbas oil, and menthol crystals – also known as Crystal Menth. The latter you put just one in a mug of boiling water, then cup your hands over it, and inhale. It blows your …

torn asunder

Have you ever trust someone and later finding out that the person is the one who’s responsible for bringing you down? The result for our Honours Year Project was released on Thursday last week. I was ready to see my mark within the range of the majority but I was surprised to see that it …

I’ve completed the Nottingham Advantage Award!

Hello everybody! On Friday last week, I logged into My Interfase (a website to check on your personal details and mostly regarding activities for your career development) and found out that I passed my 3rd and final module – Arabic! I was just so ecstatic to finally know that I have completed the Nottingham Advantage …