// Archives

Presentation Paranoia? How To Ace Your Next Presentation

Around this time last year, I gave my first oral presentation at university. Now, almost a year later, I’m planning – or at least, planning to start planning – my next presentation as part of my course. Over the last year, I’ve learnt so much about delivering a solid presentation and how it so beautifully …

Presentation Skills

I don’t like to admit this, but I’m actually a bit shy. I hate public speaking and find it awkward talking about myself (blogging is a bit of a trick, since I can’t actually see people reading it). This afternoon, I have to present myself to a group. No Powerpoint, no big theme to focus …

My Week with Marilyn, Woo Woos and Househunting in Edinburgh

  Good news, I’m half way through my literature review! Bad news, I have an assessed presentation today in Globalization and Innovation in China… Since my last blog post I’ve been working like a dog. The target everyday has been to arrive at Hallward Library by no later than 9:30am. For the past week or …