Interview: What’s it like studying a language alongside your degree?
May 9, 2023
Studying a degree means you can completely immerse yourself in your subject. But when you’ve decided upon your favourite subject, the one that you are staking your entire future on, it can feel conflicting if you’re also interested in studying a language. The University of Nottingham’s Language Centre gives you the chance to study a …
Why Learn A Language?
November 29, 2016
Without wanting to sound like a cringy phrase from a personal statement, I have a passion for languages. I study English and German and this year I’ve been taking evening classes in Spanish with the Language Centre. As you probably know, modern language learning in the UK is declining rapidly, with language departments dwindling in …
My UoN highlights: #1 Learning a Language
April 18, 2016
As third year draws to a reluctant (and panicky) end, more and more I find my nostalgic finalist self wistfully reminiscing upon the highlights of my years at UoN. One of the most fun and most important experiences of my studenthood has been learning Dutch. We English are famed for only speaking, well… English. And not even …
February 9, 2015
I missed a post last week, sorry about that! I have just been swamped this new semester. Not because of the amount of work I had but the amount of change that has happened. It is so strange going from having a fixed timetable that is jam-packed with lectures to 5 half-days a week without …
‘What pants are you wearing out tonight?’
February 3, 2012
In a week that saw Mitt Romney move a step closer to becoming Republican candidate for the upcoming US election and social networking site facebook announced a $5billion yard sale of stocks, I have become deeply engrossed in American culture. I have begun learning American English. So when someone asks ‘What pants are you wearing …