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History Degree: How Will Studying For a History Degree Help Me In The Real World?

When I tell people I’m doing a degree in History, I’m usually met with raised eyebrows, and remarks like ‘how is that going to help you find a job?’. It seems as though a lot of people think its a pointless area of study. What jobs can you get with a History degree? What’s the …

Graduation & Gowns

This moment seemed so far away three years ago but today I find myself in my Graduation robes, hat at the ready and about to graduate from the University of Nottingham. I know it’s a cliché but seriously where has all the time gone?! Oh well, here we go…     My hat is a …


So I’ve officially finished my degree. It still hasn’t quite sunk in. Those around me congratulate me, but my response seems to be a blank stare followed by an “Oh my gosh, yeah”. I’m sure it will really hit home in a week or two, or at Graduation Ball. Straight after my exam, I finished …

And It’s Back to Work…

The play is over. The new issue of Impact is out. Radio show for next week is already planned. That can only mean one thing…I either have to clean my room or actually get back to focusing on that degree I have to pass at the end of the year! Instead I have chosen to …

Beware Reverse Culture Shock

Hey all, So yes, the winter freeze of the UK has finally hit – which saw endless snowfall on Saturday, and seems be threatening again this evening – eeeek! I got a beautiful snap of the snowflakes from my skylight window… But I must admit that the cold weather, while beautiful, does make me hark …