How I stumbled into an art career during my maths degree
November 30, 2022
Do you ever start one thing and end up with something completely different? For instance, starting a Maths degree wanting to be a teacher and three years later having a blossoming art career instead? Too specific? Let me paint the picture: imagine me, second year, running out of money, scrolling through UniTemps looking for something …
Ways to become more employable during your degree
October 24, 2022
You’ve just arrived at university and the prospect of graduation seems like a very distant concept. You launch yourself into your studies and university life and you’re very busy. It’s easy to forget about career planning during your studies but thinking about and acting on this during your time at university can be crucial when …
Why I AM a Mathematician
February 23, 2021
A few days ago I attended an event titled Women in TEC hosted by Bright Network. It was an incredible opportunity and I’m really thankful for being selected as one of the attendees. You can view my professional expression of gratitude here, on my LinkedIn profile. (Yes, shameless, but relevant – just bare with me.) …
Summer internship pt. 2
August 28, 2016
So it’s my first day of the internship and I hadn’t quite calculated how long it was going to take me to get to the offices perfectly, so I decided to leave earlier to avoid being late (probably the worse thing I can do on the first day). I was around 30-40 mins early, so …
Summer Internship pt. 1
August 7, 2016
So I’m sitting on a train from Birmingham to London and thought I’d kill the time by writing my next blog post. I’m moving to London for a short summer internship with Deloitte for 5 weeks and I’m crazily excited! Oh… and of course a bit nervous too, but I guess nerves are natural! I …
Presentation Skills
November 26, 2014
I don’t like to admit this, but I’m actually a bit shy. I hate public speaking and find it awkward talking about myself (blogging is a bit of a trick, since I can’t actually see people reading it). This afternoon, I have to present myself to a group. No Powerpoint, no big theme to focus …