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Interested in blogging about your life as a student?

Are you keen to share your experience, boost your CV and earn money by blogging for your University? Get paid £7.20 (plus holiday pay) an hour to write about your life as a student. Blogs will be aimed at fellow UoN students and applicants, and will usually focus on life outside the lecture theatre, what …

Day In The Life Of A Medical Student: Hospital Placements

One of the most exciting things about medical school is the opportunity to go on placement. However, roaming the wards with little to no medical knowledge can be quite daunting. That’s exactly why I’m here to break it down for you. In years 1 and 2, we’re still fledglings and our only practical exposure is …

6 time management tips for PhD students!

We all know that PhD is usually the very individual type of job and depends a lot on your own motivation and organizational skills. It is up to you how effectively you use the time you spend in the lab. Often nobody is going to organize your time during PhD and you need to figure …

Eating my way round Nottingham

It’s easy when planning to go out to eat to head to a well known chain. There’s reasons why places like Nandos are so popular – you know what to expect, its cheap, its familiar. For me, eating in a familiar place is reassuring as I know where can cater for my allergies. But recently …

Alternative night outs for the non-drinkers

Recently, I spoke to a few first years who claimed that they felt left out at university because they didn’t drink alcohol. It got me thinking about how some aspects of uni life can be difficult for non-drinkers. From an endless barrage of questions about why you don’t drink to the many people who’ll try …

5 ways to stay motivated during your PhD!

Let’s say you are in the middle of your PhD… Fresher’s motivation is already gone for a long time: experiments have become being boring/repeatable/monotonic OR you do not go well with your lab mates OR your supervisor has decided to move to another country (like mine this year!) or you just have some personal issues …

Where to get Cheap Books

When it comes to your university course, it is highly likely that you will be required to purchase at least some books. Although you will probably be given a list at containing the names of 10 plus books, it is worth finding out which ones are absolutely necessary since books can be expensive even without …

Finding the time to do ‘everything’

University life is a treasure trove of opportunities. There’s so many things I want to get involved with on a daily basis. It would be silly of me not to take up these chances whilst I can. But time and energy are huge factors that need to be considered. Since being involved in Welcome Week …

10 ways to make friends at University of Nottingham!

Hey! A new academic year has just started! For many of you that means a lot of changes: new flatmates, new university, new town or even new country! Some of you may face a lot of stresses about it! But… do not worry! You are not alone! One of the popular reasons for this stress …

Living in a Student House

When you reach second year, it is normal to move out of halls and into a student house. At Nottingham, most people tend to occupy the student area of Lenton, although Beeston is becoming an increasingly popular student area. Despite having only lived in my student house for a few weeks, the differences between halls …