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The Mind of a Sickly Student

Last week, I took sick. Sudden, frightful, intense… the disease had ambitions to vanquish my innards and there were moments within those delirious 24 hours where I was convinced it would succeed. We’ve my masterful immune system to thank for the brevity of the illness, although its battle with the miniature intruders was invisible to …

10 Things You Know if You’re Writing a Dissertation

If you’re reading at this right now, I assume that you are in the midst of reading 10000000s of books, taking too many notes and struggling to fathom where to even start on your dissertation. As your dissertation deadline creeps closer, you may as well spend your time procrastinating and reading this post because, at …

Top Tips for your Year Abroad

I was fortunate enough to be able to spend the third year of my degree in Paris – my favourite city in the world. However, it can be easy to look back on the whole experience through a rose-tinted lens so I’ve done some reflecting on things that I wish I had known before I …

Figuring out your passions

This is our last outfield exercise before we finish our mandatory two-year National Service (NS) in the army. I look into the stars, covered in mud, camouflage paint, and dirt. The socks within my boots are wet. Mosquitoes are buzzing around me, wondering if I will be a tasty meal. This looks like it’s going …

Talking about your Mental Health

One of the best treatments for many mental health issues is to talk about the way that you are feeling to others. This often gives you a literal feeling of release – getting everything off your chest can be so much of a relief that you actually feel significantly better after doing so. However, the …

A Success Story: Accumulating Wealth as a Student

It is a total tragedy that the typical student lacks any ambition to generate big bucks during their time at university. I follow the mantra: “Begin to make millions imminently” and now am a tycoon within the blacksmithing industry. Sure, the slogan was of great assistance, but how did I do it? How did I, …

Discover Songs and Top Brain Food Snacks for the Library

Here’s a list of my favourite ‘brain food’ snacks you can enjoy in the library (linked to some of my favourite songs, get discovering!)- because nobody wants to be that person crunching a packet of monster munch whilst pretending that the smell isn’t actually travelling across the whole floor. Luckily, these foods are known to boost brain …

Keeping Calm During Exams

With the wonderfully festive Christmas season having come and gone all too soon, exam season is all but upon us. Students everywhere are knee-deep in revision as they prepare to sit their exams and tensions are running high, as they do during this month, as people all but freak out in anticipation. And this is …

Ultimate Revision Sounds

Monks’ Song Great singers ‘em monks is. I’m sure you are familiar with the works of these robed figures – they’ve been in the game for years – but for those who have led monk-deprived lives: these chaps are in possession of Adam’s Apples that produce a dreamy soothing sound in their collective resonation. The …

Why results aren’t the most important thing

Loser? “Hey Tom*! You scored so well! Only 1B!”  With hardly a word, my form teacher had moved on from me to her next student, leaving me to deal with the tsunami of emotions washing over me. It was hardly easy. In the aftermath of the collection of my less than stellar results, it seemed as …