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Polaroids (Ending an old friendship)

It’s quite hard to burn Polaroids. The lighter flame keeps going out and she’s still smiling in the photo. If I wasn’t stood on a bridge, on a windy morning, maybe it would be easier, but I still don’t really think the flame would take. I can’t think of anyone I know who would be …

What is the Best Way to Take Notes at Uni?

You might have found yourself wondering what the best way is to take notes during your lectures. Should you keep the same methods that you had in high school and sixth form? Is an iPad better? What app should you use? This blog post is going to detail all of the ways that you may …

Welcome Week is not the Be All and End All

Welcome to Nottingham! Congratulations on getting your place, we hope you have the best time here. One of the most anticipated parts of joining university is Welcome Week (or weeks!). It’s probably the thing you’ve heard about most before coming to university, renowned for lots of drinking, nights out and clubbing. For some of you, …

A Random List of Things I’ll Pack for Uni: 

The hardest yet most exciting part about moving to university is packing for yourself. It could get especially challenging for international students because they have more things to adapt to. But you will be glad to know that you learn to find replacements and make do without many luxuries while exploring what student life has …

Connecting with your peers via groupchats before you move

Editors note: Please note that these group chats are not managed or monitored by the university. Please be cautious about what information is shared within them and who you share your information with. If you’re reading this, you have successfully firmed your choice with UoN and look forward to one of the biggest transitions in …

Your Guide to the Student Union

You may have heard a bit about the student union before you come to university, but you might not have a great understanding of what they are or what they do. This blog post serves to give you some information about the University of Nottingham’s Student Union and how it can support you during your …

How to Immerse Yourself in the University Experience

When you make your way to Nottingham, you’ll see lots of advertisements around campus expressing how you’re now a part of the university community, a family, how Nottingham should feel like your new home. As a fresher, you might be thinking to yourself; “How am I ever going to fit in?”, “The university is so …

Encouraging Student-Staff Collaboration at Uni

Sometimes at university, it can feel like ‘us’ and ‘them’ when it comes to student-staff collaboration, but that is definitely not the case. Staff are very open to hearing student ideas and facilitating the implementation of these. However, it can feel daunting approaching staff and faculty with your ideas for change, so this blog post …

Catered or self-catered halls? (Interview)

When choosing UoN accommodation, catered or self-catered is a key question. But if you’re currently looking at halls, you’ve probably found that there’s no straight answer. A lot of the practicalities are hard to know about before you’ve actually lived in halls. To help you with your decision, two current UoN students, Florence and Toby, …

Dealing with and Overcoming Burnout

Burnout is something that many students experience at some point in their university career (as well as into the working world). Burnout is defined as  “a state of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress”. There are many things that can contribute to a feeling of burnout:  a build-up of academic …