Author Post Archive
Danny Bav

Danny Bav

Student, Nottingham

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Posts by Danny Bav

Snapshot of my week one

I have no idea what it is about writing blog posts on trains, for some reason my mind just pours out words and is like yep, these words sound good together! I’ve had a pretty hectic week, but I’m slowly coming back to reality as lectures start this week. I wanted to get my thoughts …

Summer internship pt. 2

So it’s my first day of the internship and I hadn’t quite calculated how long it was going to take me to get to the offices perfectly, so I decided to leave earlier to avoid being late (probably the worse thing I can do on the first day). I was around 30-40 mins early, so …

Summer Internship pt. 1

So I’m sitting on a train from Birmingham to London and thought I’d kill the time by writing my next blog post. I’m moving to London for a short summer internship with Deloitte for 5 weeks and I’m crazily excited! Oh… and of course a bit nervous too, but I guess nerves are natural! I …

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“A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles”

So its 3:23am, perfect time for a blog post right? So I’m sat here in bed, armed with my phone and my tiny keyboard – 가자! Through a combination of talking about my travel experiences with a friend, and reading another blog* which had been recommended to me, I was inspired to finally write this …

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Stranded… but not forgotten

Oh China, the only place that would have tourist buses to the Great Wall, but no tourist buses back. Okay… I admit we did get a little adventurous and decided to venture out to a deserted part of the wall 120km outside of Beijing, (金山岭 if

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How to survive a trip to Shanghai (上海)

So all of our friends were busy travelling at weekends, so my friend Bety and I decided that it was about time to make a move too. What better place to start than Shanghai, an enormous economic hub only a few hours away from Ningbo. Well… I say a few hours away, but it depends …

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5 HUGE differences between Ningbo and the UK

Ever since arriving in Ningbo, I feel like I’ve been hit by a whirlwind of things to do from sorting out my modules, to joining societies and generally just trying to figure out my way around the campus. However, I can safely say that after three weeks, I’m finally settling down in Ningbo and becoming …

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Life has been so hectic.

Picture the situation, I’m all ready and packed up to travel abroad with my friends and suddenly there’s a huge crash on the M6 and we possibly might be late to our flight. Fortunately, our taxi driver knew a route avoiding the motorway, so we were saved… or so we thought. Our friend Beth messaged …

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? 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎? ?

So many of you probably clicked on this link, wondering what the title means. It’s a quote from Confucius (孔夫子), which loosely translates to “to have friends come from afar is happiness, is it not?”. It’s one of the first quotes I le

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✈️ ‘Embrace uncertainty – it keeps life interesting’ ✈️

We exist as creatures of habit; we adopt routines in everyday life to help us create structure and to keep us sane when life gets chaotic. However, routines can make us miss the small opportunities that surround us. Let’s take university for example – we spend countless hours commuting back and forth, perhaps taking the …

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