April 9, 2014, by Ollie

Time For Change

This last week just past was the BioSoc AGM. Where a new committee is elected for the next year. It was time for me to relinquish my role as treasurer and hand on the financial reins to another, young, fresh faced charge. Very sad times indeed, if it wasn’t for the fact I was running for President and hoping to earn myself a place on this new committee. For those of you that have followed my Student journey through my blogs you’ll be very aware of my involvement with BioSoc, I didn’t realise myself how much I do talk about what I do with the society and how much it has influenced my time at University.

If I hadn’t got involved in the society in that first week of University my whole experience would be so different. I’d probably be doing a lot more work but I definitely wouldn’t have the social life I have and thus would have a lot less things to talk about, I will not have had the fun that I’ve had and I wouldn’t be the person I’ve become. Even the small things week in, week out like ‘The Selfie’ blog last week, that came about through BioSoc and true to form here’s another Biology selfie just to set the scene.

cropped out the top, nightmare!

cropped out the top, nightmare!

It will certainly be a step up but it’s one that I can’t imagine myself not making. Everyone knows that any presidential campaign has to have a motto or a catchphrase or something to be remembered by. Barack himself can be remembered for his ‘It’s time for change’ motto.

Well like the great man himself, for my campaign I needed something memorable and catchy. That something came in the form of ripping off Disney’s Frozen and specifically ‘Let It Go’. A lip sync version, complete with magical editing put my campaign out there and the seed was planted, next thing the song is being played every time I walk into a room (okay so that’s an exaggeration but wouldn’t it be cool if it was!).

I would show you the video, as I'm very proud of my masterpiece but I can't get through/round copyright issues!

I would show you the video, as I’m very proud of my masterpiece but I can’t get through/round copyright issues!

After a week of campaigning it came to the big night and of course I was nervous, the occasion meant a lot to me. I pulled out my speech and read the first two sentences then lost my place, panicked and free wheeled through the rest of my perfectly planned speech.

Yet, here I now sit before you as the new President for Biology Society. There are some huge boots to fill and I’ll have to do my utmost to fill them but I know that I’m going to have fun doing so. I only wish I could tell everyone to get involved with a society, I can’t think of anything new and cheesy to say so all that’s left is to introduce the rest of my new committee!

From Back Left: Xavier Badham (Social Sec), Sam Grange (Sports Sec), Matt Boucher (Social Sec), Andy Pestaille (Treasurer) Bottom Left: Alicia Logan (Sports Sec), Me (President), Ashleigh Gilliot (Vice President), Katie Nickson (Publicity and Communications)

From Back Left: Xavier Badham (Social Sec), Sam Grange (Sports Sec), Matt Boucher (Social Sec), Andy Pestaille (Treasurer)
Bottom Left: Alicia Logan (Sports Sec), Me (President), Ashleigh Gilliot (Vice President), Katie Nickson (Publicity and Communications)

I’ll be back next week letting you know how the planning and responsibility is going!

P.S. I ran against nobody so it was all a formality but that doesn’t make for a fun story does it!

Posted in Ollie