July 21, 2013, by Ollie

University Blues

It’s all quiet on the home front. Well of course there is always something to do but after weeks of counting down til the end of term I’m already counting down til the start of the next term. Since being home I’ve caught up with friends but being stranded in the Shire without a car has made it difficult to get around and do things. I didn’t realise how great the public transport is in Nottingham and of course having your friends around you day in day out helps alleviate boredom. Basically. University rocks.

The 3 month summer is a long one and as Snapchat, Facebook and Twitter seems to suggest most people have gone and got themselves a job in order to earn some pennies to fund their next year at University. I’m saving up some money ahead of moving house. Moving out of halls means I have to decorate more than one room so I’m going to have to get shopping for sure. Bean bag chairs galore!

Shockingly a month has passed and so there are just 2 more to go before I’ll be wishing I wasn’t back in 9am lectures but I’ll try to remember that I wanted to be back. Until then I’ve got my summer ‘Things to do list’ I thought I’d share with you all.

  • Watch Prison Break
  • Watch other TV shows that everyone says are good but I haven’t watched as I’m in a little bubble that revolves around Family Guy and that’s about it.
  • Play to a respectable level at golf.
  • Try and plan and hopefully go on an impromptu break away in sunny, sunny England!
  • Successfully move into my new house in one car trip.
  • Slave away at work.

N.B. I guess I’ll try to exercise too…

So as you can see my plans are limited and my imagination on this occasion has failed me. It’s going to be a long summer!

I have managed to fit in a few cheeky games of golf already and will need to do lots of exercise to offset eating far too much at far too many barbeques. Here’s a quick little picture montage for you to enjoy of what I’ve been getting up to over the summer.


Summery table football

Summery table football


Eating politely...

Eating politely…


Summer lovin'

Summer lovin’


Smiles at the start, frowns by the end.

Smiles at the start, frowns by the end.

I’ll be in touch if anything interesting happens or update you of my boredom in a month. So see you all in a month!

One final thing! I’m part of the Freshers’ Campaign Team. If you know anybody joining the University next year be sure to send them in this direction for some insightful blogs from myself and the rest of the team! >> https://blogs.nottingham.ac.uk/freshers/

Posted in Ollie