August 3, 2018, by Lucy
Your First Week at University as a Fresher
Although everybody’s university experience is different, having talked to a range of different people from different universities, I have come to the conclusion that the goings on of Freshers’ Week are pretty much universal. I mean, there are obviously going to be some differences according to the events you choose to attend, but on the whole, there is a basic outline as to how the first week at university pans out.
Day One
For most people, the first day at university marks the longest period of time that they will be away from home. From this moment on, it may be that you don’t intend on going home for maybe at least a month, possibly more. Or, like me, this was it: you were not going home until the term was over.
The moment of going to university has probably been a moment you’ve been looking forward to for as long as you can remember. Finally, you are breaking out of your hometown. You are independent. However, I can assure you that no matter how independent or ready for student life you may feel, the moment you hear your guardian(s)’ car leave will break your heart. As you sit in your room alone you realise that this is it, you are almost a fully-fledged adult.
No sooner than the loneliness kicks in will you most likely be invited by a member of your flat or block to engage in some social activity. As you sit in someone’s kitchen talking about who you are, where you’re from and what you’re doing, all your apprehensions will fly away as you realise that literally everyone is feeling a mixture of fear and excitement. No longer will you be consumed by thoughts as to whether you’ve made the right decision, but rather you will find comfort in the faces of strangers, reminding you that you are not alone in whatever feelings you are currently experiencing.
Day Two
Assuming that you arrived at university on a Saturday, day two will be very much like day one. You will spend your time doing fun activities with a group of people who, assuming the very best, will become your new friends at university. In my case, my first Sunday was spent having a pizza party with some girls from by block, who of which I am still living with as I go into my third year of university. Just as the contestants Love Island form relationships within the minute of seeing each other, friendships formed during Freshers’ week are very intense. Although you may have only known these people for 24 hours, it feels as if you’ve known them for 24 years. Speaking from personal experience, within 2 days of knowing the person who I now call my best friend, I’d acquired a humorous nickname, personal ringtone and an endless amount of in jokes.
Day Three
Day three is where university life begins to kick in. By this I mean is that the university puts on more events for you to attend during Freshers’. Since the week is about settling into university life, the timetable you receive for your first week will include sessions related to the academic side of your university experience. Shock horror. Don’t worry, you don’t actually learn any course content during this period, more than likely what you’re learning about is the nature of the course, how to use the university facilities and meeting the staff that are there to help you achieve your full potential, etc. Remember, Freshers’ week is about settling in and finding your feet, don’t stress about memorising every single bit of information that you are given or worry about feeling out of your depth, everything will level out eventually.
Days 4,5 & 6
Like the Steps song (you know the one I’m on about), the middle of Fresher’s week is a blur. Either you’re meeting a flood of members from your faculty, getting lost around campus or eating your 10000th free slice of dominoes pizza whilst signing up for the 20th society that you would like to join. Either way, your life is good.
Day 7
What has been a whirlwind of a week is finally coming to a close and the reality of university life begins to kick in. Indeed, you can no longer look at a slice of pizza without feeling nauseous, you’ve run out of clothes so need to take a visit to the launderette and realise that university life is more than walking around the SU.
The real deal starts now. You are ready and waiting to begin the next chapter of your life.
Bring. It. On.
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