February 12, 2018, by Chloe
Lots of Love ♥
Valentine’s Day is like Marmite.
People either love it, or they hate it. I’m one of those weird people who is ambivalent about both. I like aspects of Valentine’s Day, not so much the commercial side of it. It’s a great reminder to show those you love just how much you care, because despite the fact we should show love all year round it can easily slip our minds when we’re busy.
Valentine’s Day is not just for romantic love (I say mainly because I’m not in a relationship), and there are ways to celebrate love without resorting to crying on the floor with a tub of icecream.
♥ Love… yourself
It’s easy to get caught up in relationships with other people, but it’s true when they say the longest relationship you’ll ever have is with yourself. Take time out to be with yourself. Have a bath, go for a walk on campus, buy a small gift to yourself. Save some positive thoughts for yourself.
♥ Love… your friends and family
Call your relatives, who you love dearly but may forget to contact regularly whilst caught up at uni. Send someone a handwritten letter or some photos. Buy some flowers to share with your housemates. Bake some Valentine’s cookies (or dunk Oreos into red food colouring like my vegan housemates plan to). Be extra nice to those around you. Make an extra cup of tea. Have a Pal/Galentines date night or a party to celebrate Friend Love.
♥ Love… food
Moving away from the stereotypical chocolate, why not treat yourself to a fancy home-cooked meal? Spend extra time on preparing everything well, making it appear classier than it is. Or treat the 14th as an extended Pancakes Day – you can even get heart moulds for your pancakes!
Save the chocolate for the real day of love – 15th February ‘Discounted Chocolate Day’.
♥ Love… your community
If you don’t have a special someone to spend the day with, you could devote that time to people who really need some love. Find a volunteering cause that you are passionate about and spend some time giving love back to Nottingham. The Student Volunteering Centre has lots of opportunities to volunteer with the elderly and homeless all year round.
Whatever you do this 14th, I hope you have a love-filled day ♥
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