February 10, 2017, by Danny Bav

The National Student Survey 2017

What is the survey?

The survey is made up of 27 questions covering things such as the teaching on your course, assessment and feedback, academic support, learning resources, the Students’ Union and your overall satisfaction.

–   Aimed at undergraduate students in final year

–   Takes around 10 minutes

–   Multiple choice questions

–   Opinion box at end of the survey where you can talk about positives and negatives of UoN

Why should you take the survey?

I heard that over 75% of eligible students filled in the survey last year and well… I didn’t want to be left out (major FOMO right here). But in all seriousness, the survey provides a great way to express your feelings about our university and what you liked and what you didn’t like, which will actually create a CHANGE for future university students to come.

I stumbled across the picture below when I was reading about the survey and it got me thinking about all of the things I’ve seen change over the three years I’ve been here and how I’ve benefitted from them. Things such as the development of George Green library, because I find it so much nicer than Hallward (please don’t hate me)!

It’s not just extra buildings that have come out of student feedback from this survey, there has also been increased Welfare support, Careers support and other similar university services which are available sometimes when times get tough and we don’t know what our next direction is.

So, take out 10 minutes of you time and help improve the experience for future Nottingham students and potential applicants, it’s probably one of the most important surveys you will take to do with University and since a lot of us are graduating and moving into the job world, it gives us that final opportunity to express things we’ve had to face during our university experience!

Follow the link to access the survey – www.thestudentsurvey.com 

Posted in Danny