October 4, 2015, by Gemma Coleman
Nottingham > Paris
Don’t get me wrong, being in Paris is great. Here, I get to be openly pretentious and no one can judge me. If I want to sit in a jazz bar with a copy of Le Monde on my knee, no one wrinkles their nose as I try to look cultured. Someone just pours me another wine.
But Paris doesn’t have everything. Here, I have comprised a short list of what I miss most about Robin Hood county – a sort of, “I’m an exchange student, get me out of here” countdown.
- Where are all the Sainsburys locals?
I’m a little lost here. I’ve watched Ratatouille enough times to know the French like their food (and that animals aren’t generally welcomed in the kitchen). So if Paris is the gastronomic capital of Europe, why are the supermarkets so abysmal? How I miss being able to pop into ‘little Sainsburys’ and not have to queue for 40 minutes whilst the man on the checkout counter lovingly pauses and caresses each item as it goes through. I only wanted some mints.
- The heat of Hallward
If people thought that Hallward was hot, they should come try out the uni over here. They never told me I got free access to a sauna with my library card.
- Reasonably priced cafés
One of my favourite things to do is have a lovely cup of English Breakfast tea in some quirky little café that doesn’t judge me if I make a pot last an hour. One of my least favourite things to do is fork out €6 for one. Some serious Lee Rosy and Homemade café withdrawal symptoms.
- University of Nottingham’s totally beaut campus
I can’t complain really. The university buildings in Paris are gorgeous and one of my seminar rooms even has a fireplace (though who uses it is beyond me). But I miss seeing the colour green. I miss free hopper buses. I miss the 15-minute walk to classes (an hour of battling the crowded streets is needed here).
- My pals No one will ever be quite like the 7 Church Grove Massive (formally known as the Flat 20 Massive). Can’t wait to see you guys.
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