March 12, 2015, by Gemma Coleman

Money, Money, Money



Last summer, I was planning on climbing Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania for charity. Long story short, the travel company went bust as we arrived at Gatwick and we all went home within an hour. Almost sad enough to be an X-Factor sob story. However, in the year running up to the challenge, I learnt a lot about fundraising (and filling out claim forms- I am such a grown-up) and thought I’d share a few tips, especially with the run up to Comic Relief.


  1. Bucket Collections:

Shake that bucket like a Polaroid picture. Actually, scrap that. A policeman told me that was illegal (before giving me a sympathetic handful of coppers). But the hard slog of a bucket collection is worth it- I collected £500 in two days in London by cheekily hovering around Canary Wharf.


  1. Not-so Fun Run:

Doing a sponsored event, especially ones that no one else can be bothered to do, is a great idea. Skydiving (not for me, though, seeing as I can’t even go on children’s rollercoasters without crying) or a 5k (get pumped) are good options.


My idea of a 5k(gs of icing)

My idea of a 5k(gs of icing)

  1. Cake Sale:

The way to my heart? Food. How to get me up in the morning? Food. How to get me to spend my money? Food. Everyone loves a bake sale, because who can say no to a slab of victoria sponge? An alternative is an afternoon tea where everyone brings a donation as my lovely friend Elisha did for Comic Relief this week- get a group of friends round and get the kettle on. She baked lots of cakes and gingerbread men and put out bowls of sweets (felt like I should also have gone away with a party bag- loved it) and it was great.

Buttercream is love. Buttercream is life.

Buttercream is love. Buttercream is life.


Look out for any Red Nose Day events on campus this week!

Posted in Gemma