June 18, 2014, by Sarah
On holiday in…Nottingham
I think this is the first time in my life that I have genuinely had nothing to do. Seriously.
It’s pretty good.
I mean sure I’m applying for jobs, filling in registration forms, washing, tidying and waiting in a nervous limbo for results. That come out tomorrow. Inhale….and exhale. But I’ve also been trying to do fun things in my last weeks:
1. As a student
2. In the midlands
3. Before ‘real life’ hits
This has involved an excursion to Matlock, which is basically like seaside towns in Cornwall…without the sea.
They have the same random sugary stuff for sale like rock, fudge, ice cream
…You know, the usual.
Same beautiful views
With the added bonus of cable cars.
It is well worth a visit!
Speaking of visits, I also had a visit from the Queen this week.
This is the Queen…my housemate’s dog from home, and she’s gorgeous
I saw a Malagasy choir concert. I for some reason was convinced it was a children’s choir – but it turned out to be an energetic gospel choir. Cue ‘tuneful’ audience participation and uncoordinated dancing. Still entertaining, and amazing use of refuse to make things such as flutes out of PVC, sandals out of car tyres – I was impressed! I also learnt an interesting Malagasy custom (last line of fourth paragraph, it’s pretty grim) *shudders*
I have also been making some nutritious foods, such as:
My church weekend at home was also this weekend – it was full of amazing people, fun games (football with a massive inflatable exercise ball, and rounders) illuminating and challenging teaching and incredible food. Sutton Bonington know how to have fun! It was also very emotional as it was my last weekend there, and they have been such an incredible support and encouragement to me this year. Praise God!
Some of the discussion related a bit to this quote, it reminded me to consider my priorities.
Food for thought.
Now I’m going to be twitchy for a while until results – then who know’s what’s next!
Hmm…I should see above.
I hope everyone is having a bit of holiday time, whatever they’re doing
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