August 14, 2013, by Kiran
Barcelona, Beaches & Buildings
Anyone else been on the family summer holiday yet? If you haven’t, don’t worry I’m not going to use this blog to brag about going away to Barcelona! In fact last year our family went on a beach holiday to Essex…no joke.
So I have pretty much managed to sum up my trip to Spain in the title of this blog and shall now proceed to instead fill you in on the Spanish culture I encountered. I apologise in advance for the things I have focused on.
Killing time before going to see some authentic Flamenco dancing, we ventured into a Spanish book store to find all our favourite classics but, you guessed it, in Spanish. Even though I’d travelled to another country I still couldn’t find Wally…donda esta Wally?!
Also, I would have assumed that ‘The Smurfs’ wouldn’t need translating into other languages but in Spain they are actually called ‘Los Pitofus.’ I quite like it. Looking into this issue further, in Czech Republic they are called ‘Smoulove’ , in China they are known as ‘Lan Jing Ling’ and ‘I Puffi’ in Italy!
Anyway, here is the aforementioned Flamenco dancing…
They were very impressive. Accompanied by a live band, it was clear how much effort the dancers were putting in to their fancy footwork; when the men twirled sweat literally jumped off them swirling towards the audience!
Of course, we had to sample some Spanish culinary delicacies. The only problem we found was ordering said food. Luckily most of the menus had pictures for you to point at and being typical tourists we poorly tried to pronounce our orders. However, the language barrier is not always a bad thing as one waiter did not understand what were talking about and so bought us free ice cream. We weren’t complaining…
4. Lastly, ever wanted to hear Icona Pop’s I Love It’ in Spanish?! You can’t say I don’t give the people what they want…
p.s. Turns out the beach is the perfect place for a bit of promotion as well…
You probably can’t tell from the photo above but The Kiran & Alix Show is back! Follow us on Twitter @KiranAlixShow Previously on URN, you can listen to us on Rag Radio Saturdays 4-7pm http://bit.ly/13qp15e
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