July 17, 2013, by Sarah
The sun is shining, the birds are singing, the ice cream is calling – you’re lying back relaxing for your summer holiday… And I’m blogging.
You may be thinking – what on earth are you doing Sarah? Blogging in the holidays? I thought it had finished!
Well sorry to disappoint but I’m here for another year – going to be blogging monthly over the summer and then back to weekly when term starts…happy days.
Now you may be thinking – what exciting summer exploits have you been on Sarah? How’s the holiday going?
Well – it’s not exactly a holiday….but it’s going well. I’m on a 12 week hospital placement for my Dietetics course – living the dream in a real Dietetic department with real patients. It’s scary, tiring, and I often feel very incompetent but it’s good – I definitely feel I’m doing the right degree and still love it. I’ve been talking to patients and writing in medical notes and just really starting to do bits of what a real Dietitian does, and there’s a lot to learn.
It’s like you could read all you want about how to ride a bike, and understand all the parts of the bike and the physics of movement – but you still need to get on and have a go. My degree for the past 3 years has told me a lot about the theory of Dietetics – and now it’s time to practice. Rubber hitting the road so to speak.
For me I have to accept that I’m not going to be riding perfectly straight away, and to be comfortable at my own pace of learning – as that’s the only pace I can go. But I’m working on it. And I am moving forward. The Dietetics department I’m in couldn’t be lovelier and they are very supportive in helping me get to where I need to be.
However, I have still been having a bit of a holiday on the weekends with my Grandma – and we are ladz on tour.
We went to a primary school fair which had a birds of prey display. Seriously. Is this just a village thing because my primary school fair had a bottle stand, tombola and bric and brac. The only feathers and talons out were some of the scarier mums.
Also went to Market Harborough and ate lots of cake.
And had purple potatoes – cutting them with a purple knife made me so happy.
We’re also going to go and see a local school’s production of Les Mis. I think it could either be amazing or terrible – but entertaining either way.
So things are going well. For one reason and another, life hasn’t been easy of late – but there are positive things and sometimes all you can do is try and focus on them. Trying to keep pedalling even if the tarmac looks more comfortable.
But there’s beauty in the little things too – moving into my Grandma’s for the summer she had put a vase of some of my favourite flowers on my bedside table. When I was younger, we used to always go and pick flowers together and arrange them and then I’d take them home for the table. There is so much precious in the things that are free.
Hope you all have a peak vitamin D status!
Will update you again in August
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