February 13, 2013, by Sarah

Fight the System

In my A level food tech I often had to write about the “money rich, time poor” group and their food choices. Then in my degree we are often talking about those who are “money poor” and how this might affect them. However, I think a lot of students – as fortunate as we are to be studying – often fall into both camps. Money poor and Time poor. So I’ve compiled a few tips from myself and others (some of them are….questionable) on how to maximise your time AND money as a student.

How to Maximise your Money

Use your money wisely

Use your money wisely

My friend was paid £2.50 to burn his fiver to show he didn’t care about money – because that makes sense.

1. Offers. Seriously – when food shopping get the stuff that’s half price and cook around that. Don’t pay full price for the cinema – someone will have an orange Wednesday!

2. Surveys. If you have time to kill you can make a few quid from filling in online surveys – seriously, I’ve made about thirty quid, not quickly but it’s a nice bonus. Opinionpanel is a good one to join.

3. Competitions and Freebies. I am signed up to a daily freebies newsletter which means I can sign up to stuff online and get lots of free stuff through the post. I also won some milk on Cravendale’s free milk Friday’s – so if you can be bothered to do it – it’s worth it. . Also, ff you sign up for a free Change4Life meal mixer you get a voucher for free milk. I just like free milk blatantly. However, if you’re someone who doesn’t keep on top of their emails – don’t do this. You’ll be swamped

4. Don’t waste food. There are lots of leftover recipes. But you can take things too far

stilton coffee

The owner of this says he is trying to develop “Stilton coffee” – just NO

How to Maximise your time

1. Plan stuff, deadlines etc. Have a diary/calendar. It’s probably obvious but there are many who don’t.

2. Save time on washing up – buy disposable plates and cutlery! *this is not my tip!

jons drawer

Thug Life

3. Share meals with friends. It’s hardly any extra effort cooking for 2-4 than cooking for one, then you can have some days where you spend less time cooking and washing up!

4. Adblocker. Download it for google chrome and then don’t watch adverts on 4od and itv catchup etc. If it doesn’t work on chrome you need to download it in an incognito window. I have downloaded this but watch adverts as part of a scheme to get nectar points….I do see the irony.

I’m realising that a lot of my blogs take on some kind of list format. But hey, I’m a list kind of girl. Preferably lists colour coded in terms of priority – with sub points below every number. Because that’s how EVERY child writes their Christmas list. Right? Guys?

Anyway there’s probably loads of other stuff that could go on the list but I just wanted to pass on a few bits I’ve found useful – seriously adblocker has revolutionised my life! Today I saw warm bodies (worth a watch – Nicholas Hoult is brilliant) and went bowling with the free voucher we got from the last time when the lane kept dying. I won. This never happens so I am savouring the victory.

However I did lose in the Nerf War – so swings and roundabouts 🙂


For Rohan!!

Any tips I have forgotten? Let me know! Have a great week everyone 🙂

Posted in Sarah