November 13, 2012, by Beca

Atemi Nationals !

Jitsu (a predominantly uni based sport) nationals were in Sheffield this weekend and attended by yours truly along with the rest of the epicness that is Nottingham Uni Jitsu.  It started with a pre 8am train on Saturday and ended with a KFC and a rousing chorus of Misery Business in the car home Sunday evening. Between these two points I had a grand total of two hours sleep, was hit in the face more times than I remember and most importantly, got to train with jitsukas from all over the country under some of the best in our country.

Both mornings were dedicated to learning with us divided into our grades – greens. are. violent.  It was hard work, especially sweating the alcohol out after two hours sleep on Sunday.  And training left hand sided? Who’s idea was that?

I wasn’t planning on competing but I somehow found myself stood with the guys in my heat and well, it’s extra training at the end of the day.  It’s rare you get chance to train with so many people at your level. I gave it my best effort and actually made it through into the final.  Me = well proud.  Especially given I was too nervous to compete properly last year.

Big guys tried to hit me with bottles

I showed off a little

And let myself get aggresive

As it’s such a bit uni thing the night out is always amazing.  This year we had a few rooms reserved at the O2 arena and the theme was “The Good, The Bad and The Ugly”.  After a few rounds of never have I ever with the rarely tasted Jitsu Cocktail we headed to the party and showed we party as hard as we fight.  Not entirely sure how we all made it back but I went for pizza with a  friend from Coventry (who suprisingly enough, I met when he punched me in the face last nationals) and finally made it to sleep at 5am.  Mistake.

I was on the mat by 10am the next day #LikeABoss.

Posted in 2012 Beca