February 21, 2012, by Kay
Felt-tip Pens, Pancakes and Kings of Convenience
Hey there folks. How’s it going?
Do you get excited when you come home to fresh pads of paper and new pens? … Tanya (my course mate and fellow Asian sister) agreed to split a Paperchase box of 100 felt-tip pens with me…good lord. I vomitted a rainbow (9GAG reference) Because of course 100 is too many but 50 pens? well that’s reasonable. =\
Not that this will guarantee a good degree or anything. Just that my failure will look nicer… 🙂
There’s always some reject colours you’ll never use like puke green or maroon. It amazes me that these colours even get made let alone used.
I also went for a bit of a cafe stroll about town on Sunday. The weather was the nicest is had been since before Christmas probably so I went to get a hot chocolate with a friend at The Walk cafe in Bridlesmith Gate. Their hot chocolates were seriously nice (I’m a cream and marshmallows drinker myself.) Really creamy. Not powdery like some hot chocolates I’ve had from Costas or Caffe Nero. Â I forgot how much I like the shop Atomic in town as well (in the FH Mall) that sells quirky gifts and cards. It’s nice independent shops like these that make a place unique. Lincoln has a lot of cool boutiques like that.
There’s this brand of greeting cards I came across over the weekend that I’ve fallen in love with a little. They’re called Pickle Parade cards and all feature simplistic drawings of grim looking cats and dogs.
Yup…well I think they’re funny anyway. 🙂
Also, HAPPY PANCAKE DAY EVERYONE! I hope you all enjoy your pancakes, be it nutella filled, lemon and sugar filled, enjoy! There’s a bit of a “Pancake Party” going on in my flat tonight. That’s right, wild…unadulterated…pancakes. Just all over the place.
Have a great day. Have a listen to this song by Kings of Convenience (a kind of chilled, acoustic guitar indie group from Norway)
Love, Kay
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