University of Nottingham Ningbo China: research and KE highlights 2024

The University of Nottingham Ningbo China shares its research and knowledge exchange highlights of 2024, and looks ahead to 2025. Driving Green Innovation with Sichuan Longyuan The University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) has partnered with Sichuan Longyuan to establish the Green Smart Equipment Technology Innovation Collaboration Platform. This initiative supports China’s national strategy for …

Our commitment to sharing knowledge for the benefit of all 

Update from Professor Neil Crout Nottingham has been reaffirmed as one of England’s leading universities for working collaboratively with industry and the public sector.  Research England’s Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF) demonstrates our commitment to the sharing of knowledge and is an opportunity for universities to evidence how we support regional and national priorities and sustainable …

Joining Horizon Europe: exciting opportunities for our research

Update from Professor Dame Jessica Corner Amid the current gloom, some very good news – the UK can look forward to associating with Horizon Europe, the EU’s new €95.5bn framework programme for funding research and innovation. It has emerged from the Brexit deal that UK organisations will be able to fully take part in Horizon …

Research remains our priority as the academic year begins

Update from Professor Dame Jessica Corner The start of the academic year is always a special time in the life of a university, and this week feels particularly significant. Thanks to the remarkable efforts of many hundreds of people we have welcomed staff and students back to our campuses. I’m sure I am not alone …

Fantastic progress as we accelerate our on-campus research  

Update from Professor Dame Jessica Corner I am delighted to say we are making fantastic progress towards the return of research to our UK campuses. Thanks to the superb efforts of Estates, Health and Safety teams and wider colleagues, the Advanced Manufacturing Building on Jubilee Campus, and the Biodiscovery Institute and Chemistry Building on University …

PhD student Colette is research quiz winner

PhD student Colette Milbourn is our 2019 research quiz champion and winner of this chocolate wreath created by Louisa’s Vegan Chocolates of Nottingham. Colette, who is studying neuroimaging and is based in the School of Biosciences, correctly answered questions relating to research at the University over the past year. The chocolate wreath was made from …