Taming microbes at the University’s Biodiscovery Institute
February 24, 2020
On 12 May the University is officially opening its £100 million Biodiscovery Institute. In the first of a series of blogs, its Director Chris Denning wrote on Valentine’s Day about how the Institute’s expertise in regenerative medicine will help cure broken hearts though its world-leading stem cell research. Today we’re highlighting another area of cross-disciplinary expertise that will be showcased to colleagues and visitors …
Medical devices that bacteria can’t grip
December 7, 2018
In 2012, a team from the schools of Pharmacy and Life Sciences at the University of Nottingham discovered a bacteria-resistant material. Six years on, the project has taken that ground-breaking discovery and translated it into a CE-certified, bacteria-resistant catheter, which is being trialled in six hospitals across the UK. Morgan Alexander, Professor of Biomedical Surfaces, …