Me, some research & a blog – The clinical Series: Engaging the patients
June 24, 2013
Welcome to the third post in the Clinical Series. This series was born when my work in the communications team generated an enthusiasm to learn more about the work of the academics who have crossed my path. This blog created the opportunity for me to do a little further investigation, to delve deeper into the …
Me, some research & a blog – The Clinical Series: Achieving what all scientists want to achieve
June 21, 2013
Welcome back to the Clinical Series. This series was born when my work in the communications team generated an enthusiasm to learn more about the work of the academics who have crossed my path. This blog created the possibility for me to do a little further investigation, to delve deeper into the science and to …
Me, some research & a blog – The Clinical Series: Doing my bit for HeadSmart
June 18, 2013
Welcome to the first blog of the Clinical Series. To write this blog I needed to make a couple of decisions – what research I wanted to share, why I wanted to share it and how. In this case, this was easy. I didn’t need to do rummaging to find this work, it came to …
Me, some research & a blog – The Clinical Series
June 12, 2013
Hello all. It’s Zoë, Graduate Trainee reporting from the Communications team. You may have already read some of the posts I’ve written for the Press Office blog but I’m here today to introduce you ‘Research Exchange’ readers, to my brand new series. So since starting in the Communications team mid-April, I have done a lot …