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Steve Benford: new ways to enrich our lives, digitally

Q&A with Professor Steve Benford, Global Research Theme Lead for Digital Futures. This is the fifth of our monthly Q&As with our five Global Research Theme (GRT) leads, for you to find out about who they are, their research and what it means to lead one of the University’s five GRTs. Read previous Q&As from Professor Georgina …

Students engage MPs with scientific research

PhD students from the Faculty of Engineering had the opportunity to present their research at the House of Commons before Members of the Parliament and the wider research community on 7 March. They attended the annual SET For Britain research showcase, held in Portcullis House, a government building opposite Westminster Palace. SET is short for …

Q&A with Svenja Adolphs, GRT Lead for Cultures and Communication

This is the fourth of our monthly Q&As with our five Global Research Theme (GRT) leads, for you to find out about who they are, their research and what it means to lead one of the University’s five GRTs. Read previous Q&As from Professor Georgina Endfield, GRT lead for Sustainable Societies, Professor Neil Champness, GRT …

International Women’s Day talk with DCC Susannah Fish

On Wednesday 2 March, we were delighted to welcome Susannah Fish, Deputy Chief Constable of Nottinghamshire Police, to speak about her extraordinary career in an International Women’s Day talk. ‘You couldn’t make it up: my career and me’ saw DCC Fish share stories from her varied career with the police, from successes to challenges to the …

The University’s crown jewels – an insight from Professor Dame Jessica Corner on research and knowledge exchange

Guest post from Professor Dame Jessica Corner DBE, Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Knowledge Exchange. There is something about being new that allows you to see things as for the first time. I asked to be introduced to the University’s crown jewels in research and knowledge exchange, to experience things first-hand and to meet people who …

Increasing health and wellbeing along the lifespan

Q&A with Professor Victoria Chapman, Global Research Theme Lead for Health and Wellbeing. This is the third of our monthly Q&A of our five Global Research Theme (GRT) leads, for you to find out about who they are, their research and what it means to lead one of the University’s five GRTs. Read previous Q&As …

Don’t miss the Library Research Week Symposium

In this guest post, Sue Ackermann, Associate Director of Research and Learning Services shares the programme for the Library Research Week Symposium. We’re looking forward to our first-ever Library Research Week Symposium, to be held on Wednesday 2 March at the Hemsley restaurant, University Park. We have an excellent line up of speakers, including Professor …

What can the Graduate Research Showcase do for you?

Ewa Szypula is a lecturer in the School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies, currently working on her project ‘Balzac’s Love Letters’. In this post, she shares her impressions of the Graduate Research Showcase 2015. As a postdoctoral researcher keen to get feedback on my book project, I jumped at the chance to present a …