Professor Ed Lester

March 20, 2025, by Rob Ounsworth

It’s all about sharing knowledge 

Research update by Professor Ed Lester

Welcome to my first update as Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Knowledge Exchange and Innovation. Three months into my new role, I have been meeting faculty teams and all the groups that support KE, talking about how we are making an impact beyond our core research and teaching activities. This has already confirmed that knowledge exchange takes place in many ways, driven by colleagues from right across the university. 

In this blog I’ll explore some of the ways we do KE, and the support we offer to researchers and colleagues who seek to involve the public in our work and share knowledge to benefit society. 

Get in touch 

Do get in touch if you would like to discuss KE in your area. I look forward to working with colleagues from across the university as we seek to deepen the reach and impact of our research. 

Spin-outs success and our role in supporting enterprise 

Just this week, it was revealed that the number of spin-out companies launched by the University of Nottingham trebled in the last decade. Our Nottingham Technology Ventures team has a portfolio of 37 spin-outs, many developing exciting innovations in healthcare, agriculture and the environment, digital, and materials and manufacturing.  The news comes as Universities UK highlighted the crucial role of universities like Nottingham in supporting new enterprises that boost growth, investment and jobs.  

As part of the national campaign UUK will be featuring Nottingham spin-out company Neupulse, which is developing a wrist device that uses electrical pulses to reduce tics in individuals with Tourette’s, based on research by academics in our @School of Psychology.

Opening of Zero Carbon Innovation Centre 

An example of where we are making such an externally focused impact is the Zero Carbon Innovation Centre, which opened last week on Jubilee Campus.  The ZCIC deepens the university’s partnerships with industry across sectors including aerospace, automotive, marine, rail, off-highway and energy. This centre, a partnership with East Midlands Freeport, Research England and Loughborough University, will act as a gateway for industry, accelerating new innovations in high-impact, high-value zero carbon technologies. 

The launch was a tremendous success. Industry, academic and civic leaders toured the centre and met researchers who highlighted our sector-leading facilities and gave presentations on the Omnifactory® aerospace manufacturing line, digital twinning, and the manufacture of electrical machines. Visitors also enjoyed a preview of the new hydrogen propulsion lab, which will enable research and safe high-power testing of propulsion systems for transport industries, and toured the megawatt-class testing facilities of the neighbouring Power Electronics and Machines Centre. 

One of our key industry stakeholders told the organisers it was the best organised event they had ever attended! Congratulations to all involved. 

Exploring Tri-Campus collaboration and KE 

The visits to our UK campuses earlier in March by the Vice-Provosts for RKE for the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (Professor Laura Bishop) and University of Nottingham Malaysia (Professor Shahir Liew) created a perfect opportunity to discuss priorities and identify areas of real potential for synergy and collaboration. Our university has a distinct advantage with our presence in three separate countries, which allows us to increase the global impact of our work. From a UK perspective, there was an overview of work around identifying signature strength and growth areas, with opportunities for the commercial scale-up of our discoveries, particularly around our innovation clusters for  zero carbon and health. 

We identified opportunities in addressing climate change (such as renewable energy, sustainable transport, water security, building resilient food systems), health, and AI.  

The role of the campuses in incubating local businesses (such as via the University of Nottingham Innovation Park on the Jubilee Campus, and the Li Dak Sum incubator in Ningbo was also a key discussion. 

Join us for Knowledge Exchange Day drop-in session 

I’ll be delighted to welcome you at Knowledge Exchange Day, which takes place from 11am on Wednesday, 2 April at University Park. It is designed to help academics and early career researchers to maximise the real-world impact of their work. 

This informal ‘marketplace’ will allow you to engage with university teams specialising in KE, business engagement and commercialisation. We’ll be joined by a guest from the East Midlands Combined County Authority. 

Find out more and register 

Knowledge Exchange Professional Development programme  

As researchers, or as colleagues supporting our RKE activity, we have the opportunity to ensure our work has tangible benefits for society. However, understanding how to navigate this process – securing funding, engaging stakeholders, and communicating research – is a challenge.  

This is where the university’s Knowledge Exchange Professional Development Programme plays a crucial role. It offers researchers insights into key aspects of research collaboration and commercialisation. Its short, impactful training events offer guidance on securing KE funding, engaging with business and government, and refining communication strategies.  

Find out more and read a case study from the Vet School’s Dr Robert Hyde, co-founder of UoN Spin Out company, Vet Vision AI. 

Knowledge Exchange Hub 

For guidance in all things KE, please visit and bookmark the Knowledge Exchange Hub. This is one-stop repository of resources that will help you engage in KE activities. If you have any suggestions as to how we can add to the current KE hub resources, do let me know. 

Innovation vouchers available to support knowledge exchange 

The Business Engagement team is offering academics the opportunity to apply for innovation vouchers to support KE with external organisations.  

Innovation vouchers are worth up to £5,000 and can be used to cover up to 50% of a project, with remaining costs covered by the external organisation. 

Find out more and submit an expression of interest 

From black holes to Science in the Park 

Some excellent recent examples of public engagement: 

The Cosmic Titans exhibition, which runs at Lakeside’s Djanogly Gallery until 27 April, includes gallery tours, where visitors can hear from Nottingham researchers about how art and science has come together to explore the mysteries of the quantum universe. It’s an innovative example of researchers sharing their work in creative ways to capture the public’s imagination. 

Lord Willets, Chair of the UK Space Agency and President of the Resolution Foundation recently delivered the Sir Edward Heath University Lecture. He explored the role of the UK Space Agency in driving economic growth and global security, reflecting on the current political landscape and former Prime Minister Sir Edward’s political legacy. 

Scientists from the University of Nottingham and Nottingham Trent University joined forces to showcase their research at the free annual Science in the Park festival at Wollaton, which attracted 4,000 people. 

Celebrating 100% success in Springboard programme 

All four UoN candidates for the 2024 Academy of Medical Sciences Springboard programme have been successful.  

Congratulations to Dr Rachel Clifford (Medicine), Dr Sophie Joanisse (Life Sciences), Dr Chloe Peach (Life Sciences) and Dr Jennifer Ashworth (Veterinary Science). And many thanks to all those who have supported them on their journey. 

The prestigious Springboard programme supports early career researchers in biomedical sciences. Each will receive £125,000 over two years to support career development. 

University submits annual Researcher Development Concordat report  

The university has reaffirmed its commitment to supporting researchers by submitting its 2024-2025 Researcher Development Concordat report to Universities UK.  The Researcher Development Concordat is a national agreement aimed at improving the research environment, employment conditions, and career development opportunities for researchers across the UK.

With thanks and best wishes 

Professor Ed Lester
Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Knowledge Exchange and Innovation