Our key role in attracting global R&D investment and driving economic growth

Professor Tom Rodden’s research update The University of Nottingham is part of a ground-breaking coalition of Midlands universities that has launched a £3m international campaign to attract inward investment into R&D, innovation and science – leveraging our global connections to drive economic growth across the region. I am delighted that the university is part of …

Shape the future of research: a call for your big ideas 

I am delighted to share some resounding successes with you, while also updating on news of how the university is continuing to support our research community and remains absolutely committed to the delivery of world-class research.  Our sector is facing big financial pressures and Nottingham is not alone is reviewing how to respond and overcome …

Signing off with news of excellent Knowledge Exchange Framework results

Welcome to my final update as Interim Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Knowledge Exchange. Thank you for your support and goodwill during my time in this interim role. I’m delighted to sign off with excellent Knowledge Exchange Framework results and a strong round-up of support and opportunities for our research community. From October I hand over …

Chief Scientific Adviser, fellowships and honours for researchers

Professor Tom Rodden has been appointed as Chief Scientific Adviser for the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport. He is among significant numbers of our outstanding academics recognised throughout 2018  by their peers and learned societies for pioneering contributions to scholarship and delivering world-class research. Many of these accolades featured in a review of  2018 …