July 11, 2014, by Tara de Cozar
BME research focus? WE NEED YOU!
It’s Black History Month in October. Throughout the month we’ll be joining forces with the University BME (black and minority ethnic) Staff Network to promote all manner of BME-related news, research and events taking place across the University. We do it through our Black History Month blog. It’s worth having a look to see the kind of posts we did last year — staff profiles, public lectures, school celebrations, film screenings. There was loads going on, and the plan is to have even more this year. Last year we had general profiles of BME staff from around the University — Vibhore’s for example. These posts were really popular and we’ll be doing more this year. But one of the things we’d like to focus on is research — both profiling BME researchers and looking at research that relates to BME communities. This could be medical — looking our research into sickle cell anaemia for example, or looking at social and educational issues which affect BME communities. We want to feature people and work from across all faculties — and we need you to tell us about it.
Would you like to be profiled? Or work with someone who does? Does your research relate to BME communities, arts, culture or history? This is a great opportunity to highlight those projects. We’re also looking for students and alumni to profile and to feature their work, so all suggestions are welcome.
Researchers from all backgrounds and cultures do incredible work at the University all year round, we know that. And we promote their work every day. But we’d like to use Black History Month to profile the work of our BME staff, whichever department or faculty they work in. Let us know if you can help. Email tara.decozar@nottingham.ac.uk with your stories.
[…] tara.decozar@nottingham.ac.uk if you’d like your work, event or profile to be featured. And if you would like to hold an […]