7. A choice: more ale or more prayers?
Elsewhere (see the last blog!) we hear that at the Earl’s palace, the then earl being Páll Hákonarson, at Orphir, there was a church next to a large drinking hall, and that whilst there ‘during the night people got up to listen to the canonical hours, and after high mass people went to eat’. Thus …
Egilsay: Earls, Churches, and Island(s)
Egilsay is a relatively small, carrot-shaped island which lies around 19 miles north of Kirkwall, Mainland. The island forms one of the Inner North Isles, alongside Wyre and Rousay, and is connected to both islands and Tingwall, Mainland by ferry. Though not mentioned exceptionally frequently in Orkneyinga saga, appearing only six times, Egilsay provides the …
About this blog
Ragna’s Islands is an AHRC-funded research project built around a new translation of The Saga of the Earls of Orkney (Orkneyinga Saga). It will bring together evidence of archaeology and place-names to transform our understanding of the Viking and Norse periods in northern Scotland. In this blog, project members and guests will highlight the texts, locations and findings emerging from the project.