Embracing alternative academia

Dr Tania Cleaves is a Research Development Manager in the Faculty of Arts and continues to conduct research independently in her spare time. Her main message: you don’t have to choose between a non-academic career and your love of research. Both are possible, if you’re up for it. My story I’m in a role where …

If you get the chance, get involved!

Jamie Green, occupational health specialist and researcher of clergy health and wellbeing, tells us how her PhD experience has been enriched by her role as a “demonstrator” in Researcher Academy courses. Embarking on a PhD, especially as a distance learner, can feel like a solitary, and sometimes lonely experience. For me, I have felt connected …

Rakey’s placement blog: a journey of growth and discovery

International masters student, Rakey Yang, looks back on her postgraduate placement as a way to develop new skills and build valuable connections. As an international HCI master’s student, my career path in the UK seemed unclear when I first arrived, as everything was new to me. One of my primary goals was to gain more …

Life and learning: Navigating the PhD journey as a mature student

PhD researcher Dan Beever shares his reflections after completing the first year of his PhD journey as a mature student at Nottingham. Hi, I’m Dan, a mature student in the second year of my PhD in the School of Medicine. Undertaking a PhD later in life can seem daunting but the experience can be immensely …

My Journey with Vortex Systems Ltd: gaining real-world experience in the UK

A placement at Vortex Systems Ltd provided researcher Madhu Chilagapati with the opportunity to enhance his skills. Here, he shares insights into his experiences and the impact of the placement on his development. As someone with over a decade of experience in designing, manufacturing, and operations management, I never imagined how much my recent work …

Making ideas work

PhD researcher Lauren Colley shares her thoughts on how to make ideas work in the midst of research. A confession: at the moment, I’ll sign up to pretty much anything. Perhaps it’s a mid-PhD crisis of sorts when time spent in the presence of academics is classifiable enough as ‘work’ to make for an ‘I …

Understanding a circular economy from a global perspective

Sarah Kwamboka Omwoyo, a researcher in Advanced Chemical Engineering, tells us about her placement experience at Sustainable Extricko. I first heard about the Researcher Academy Placement Programme during one of the career information events hosted by the university. I learnt that the programme offered postgraduate students the opportunity to develop their professional skills while pursuing …

A journey of innovation and learning: welcoming Chandhini to Vesiculab

Dimitri Aubert, CEO of Vesiculab, shares the fresh perspectives that hosting a placement brought to his business. I’m always excited about fresh perspectives and new ideas that can propel our company forward. Hosting a master’s student from the University of Nottingham was a perfect opportunity to inject fresh energy into our team. Additionally, having graduated from …

Cold Calls, Hot Topics: My Summer of Social Change

Ruehie Jaiya Karri’s experience of a Nottingham University Business School Placement at People of the Streets, facilitated by the Researcher Academy. I am writing this fresh off an incredible journey with People of the Streets (POTS) through the Postgraduate Placements Programme. Buckle up, because I’m about to take you on a whirlwind tour of my …

A Different Type of Culture Shock: reflections from the Research Culture Conference

In this blog, postgraduate researcher Ilayda Macit shares her reflections and key takeaways from the recent Research Culture Conference. Not all culture shocks feel great, but all of them leave you with a changed version of yourself. Luckily, this one was both great and changed me for the better. I am talking (in this case, …