Embracing alternative academia

Dr Tania Cleaves is a Research Development Manager in the Faculty of Arts and continues to conduct research independently in her spare time. Her main message: you don’t have to choose between a non-academic career and your love of research. Both are possible, if you’re up for it. My story I’m in a role where …

A Different Type of Culture Shock: reflections from the Research Culture Conference

In this blog, postgraduate researcher Ilayda Macit shares her reflections and key takeaways from the recent Research Culture Conference. Not all culture shocks feel great, but all of them leave you with a changed version of yourself. Luckily, this one was both great and changed me for the better. I am talking (in this case, …

Lurk, listen, click: making connections at the Research Culture Conference

Lauren Colley, postgraduate researcher in English, shares her honest and refreshing insights as she looks back on her experience of attending the Research Culture Conference. She reflects on making useful networking connections and finding support for her wellbeing project. I am the mystery shopper of the conference world, and what I’ve just discovered is that …