Careers in Medical Physics
December 10, 2021
Guest post by Dr. Karen Mullinger, who recently set up a webpage showcasing careers in medical physics. In my opinion Medical Physics is fascinating because of the real world difference it can make and the Medical Physics related careers that are possible: from the NHS, to industry, to academia. During the pandemic I realised …
Year One Results – Physics Doesn’t Suck
July 16, 2018
So many important messages in this video by physics undergraduate student Hannah Coleman reflecting on her experience in Year One. We all know that the road to success is not without its twists, turns, and bumps along the way. As lecturers we can’t do the work for our students, but try our best to point …
Update: Physics Doesn’t Suck as Much
December 29, 2017
Almost by definition, university education requires students to push themselves (or be gently nudged) out of their comfort zones — that’s where the the real learning happens. As the year draws to an end, we’re delighted to feature a guest post by first-year Physics student and regular UoN Physics social media contributor Hannah Coleman, giving her …