June 27, 2013, by offcampus
Getting To Know Nottingham: The Purple Flag
Over the next couple of months, we’re going to be bringing you a series of blog posts to help you get to know Nottingham a little better. Whether you’re a new student due to start your studies in September, or you’re going to be returning to live in one of our local communities, we hope you’ll find out something new in these posts! As ever, if you have any questions, do feel free to ask them in the comment section.
Today we’re talking about Nottingham’s status as a Purple Flag city, and what that means for students living here.
So, what’s the Purple Flag?
The Purple Flag is a mark of recognition for a city that is ‘managing its night time experience’ – but what does that mean? It’s about raising the standard of and broadening the appeal of city centres between 5pm and 6am, so that there is lots going on which appeals to as many people as possible. It’s also about making the city centre a safe and secure place to spend a night out.
Nottingham is very proud to be a Purple Flag city again this year, and here are some of the reasons why it has achieved the accreditation:
– regular events in the city centre throughout the year, including Light Night, and Christmas and Summer festivals
– a huge range of restaurants, bars, pubs and entertainment venues throughout the city, catering to a variety of tastes
– the customer service and security of Doorwatch and Street Pastors
– good lighting
– excellent management of the city centre by the Business Improvement District
– strong partnership work between businesses and agencies
We’ll be letting you know what’s going on in the city centre throughout the year via our Twitter account (@UoN_Off_Campus) and on this blog.
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