June 15, 2014, by Duane Mellor

ASO Partcipant Information

University of Nottingham,UoN
School of Biosciences.
Sutton Bonington Campus,
Leicestershire, LE12 5RD.
United Kingdom

Investigators: Dr. Judy A. Swift (Associate Professor of Behavioural Nutrition) and Dr. Duane Mellor (Assistant Professor of Nutrition and Dietetics)

Healthy Volunteer’s Information Sheet

You are being invited to participate in a research study. When considering whether or not to participate, it is important that you understand why this research is being done and what it will involve. Please ask the investigators any questions or queries you might have by contacting us by email (see below). Thank you for your interest in this study.

It is widely recognised that being overweight and obesity are growing issues in the UK, and health care professionals have an important role to play in prevention and treatment efforts. There are, however, differing views as to the extent to which health care professionals’ own weight and health behaviours can affect the way they feel about themselves and their practice. This study aims to find out the views of healthcare professionals and members of learned societies associated with obesity and nutrition.

What does the study involve?
To access the short questionnaire you simply need to return to the online survey. The survey should take no more than 15 minutes to complete. The questions are about your own weight and health behaviours, your feelings about yourself, your weight, and the weight of healthcare professionals in relation to obesity management. All responses are completely anonymous. We would be very grateful if you would answer all the questions. You are kindly asked not to discuss the questionnaire with anyone until after the questionnaire has been collected. We are interested in your views.

Why have you been chosen to take part?
We wish to investigate the challenges that healthcare and others associated with obesity prevention and management face in practice. All members of the Association for the Study of Obesity (ASO) will be invited to participate in this study. Similar surveys are also being conducted with members of other learned societies associated with obesity and nutrition.
Do you have to take part?
It is up to you to decide whether or not to take part. If you do decide to take part, keep this information sheet and complete the questionnaire. Upon completing the questionnaire you can withdraw from the study by exiting the online survey before submitting your responses.

What if something goes wrong?
If you have reason to complain about this study, complaints should be addressed in the first instance to Dr. Judy Swift (judy.swift@nottingham.ac.uk, Division of Nutritional Sciences, Sutton Bonington Campus, University of Nottingham, Loughborough, LE12 5RD). If the matter remains unresolved, you may also contact Dr. Kate Millar, Research Ethics Officer for the School of Biosciences (kate.millar@nottingham.ac.uk; 0115 951 6303).

Will my taking part in this study be kept confidential?
This survey is completely anonymous. You cannot be identified from your responses.

What will happen to the results of this study?
The data will be stored securely and will only be accessible to the researchers listed on this document. The data will be kept for seven years after the publication of research outputs and then destroyed (as set out in the University of Nottingham Data Policy). The results of this study will be reported in an undergraduate project and may also be written up and submitted to a peer review journal. If you would like to be e-mailed the results of the study, please contact the research team.

Are there any foreseeable risks to the individual if they participate in the research?
If you are upset or distressed in anyway by the contents of the questionnaire, please contact your General Practitioner or Family Physician. S/he will be able to provide you with assess to local support regarding your weight or self-esteem.

Who has reviewed the study?
This study has been approved by The School of Biosciences Research Ethics Committee.

Further Information
If you have any further queries about the study please contact the Judy Swift (judy.swift@nottingham.ac.uk) or Duane Mellor (duane.mellor@nottingham.ac.uk).
Thank you for your time.

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