September 22, 2014, by Duane Mellor
Welcome new freshers and returning students
Today in the Division of Nutritional Sciences we will be welcoming a new intake of undergraduate students. Stdentsstudying a course in nutrition or dietetics at the University of Nottingham make up about a third of all students studying in the School of Biosciences, so you are not alone! Would also like to welcome back all our returning students and the postgraduate students starting and continuing their studies
We hope that you will thoroughly enjoy your time with us at Sutton Bonington. Professor Andy Salter, Head of Division said “I would like to welcome all our students, new and returning back to campus and please remember if you need help or advice just ask, all the academics, technicians and administrators are here to help you to achieve your potential”.
Dr Jon Majewicz, Course Manager for BSc Nutrition, is also looking forward to meeting the new students, so much he has brought cake, so please come and have chat with the staff. We are a friendly bunch and normally available, unfortunately coffee and cake may not be!
So please enjoy settling in to life here, if you want to contribute to this blog and help spread the word of nutrition@University of Nottingham please let Duane Mellor (duane.mellor@Nottingham.ac.uk) and we can support you in developing your piece.
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