Ten students, three days, one book.
November 19, 2015
Last week, ten first-year English students accepted the challenge of writing and producing a book in just three days. It may sound like an impossible task but the School of English ‘Book Sprint’ was a student-led response to a wider academic debate, examining the future of academic publishing, as part of National Academic Book Week. …
How shared reading could be helping to bring back memories for people with dementia
August 13, 2015
A book is a truly magical thing. It has the ability to transport you to another time or place and to instantly evoke memories of where and when you first perused a particular paperback or finished a favourite novel. Now, a new partnership between The University of Nottingham and Nottingham City Council is harnessing the …
New research backs Nottingham claims Bard’s ‘lost’ play is genuine
April 13, 2015
A new study by a team of Texan academics has strongly suggested that a disputed play was indeed penned by William Shakespeare, backing previous research by a Nottingham professor published in 2010. The original authorship of the 18-th century play Double Falsehood has long been debated and the new research by scholars at The University …
DH Lawrence’s Sons and Lovers: A Centenary Celebration
May 15, 2013
May 2013 marks 100 years since the publication of Sons and Lovers, DH Lawrence’s most autobiographical novel. Dr Andrew Harrison and Annalise Grice from the School of English look ahead to a guest lecture to celebrate the centenary. A public lecture by Professor Neil Roberts will be held at the University of Nottingham at 7pm …