Rehabilitation Matters: Revolutionising rehabilitation around the globe
January 24, 2023
Rehabilitation Matters is a series of stories and perspectives from people who care about effective clinical rehabilitation and the benefits it provides. In this guest blog, Dr Ishara Dharmasena, Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellow and Lecturer at Wolfson School, Loughborough University, explains how the National Rehabilitation Centre (NRC) could help to revolutionise rehabilitation around …
Rehabilitation Matters: R&D and innovation have an enormous role to play in rehabilitation
June 30, 2022
Rehabilitation Matters is a series of stories and perspectives from people who care about effective clinical rehabilitation and the benefits it provides. In this article, Dr Andrew Capel, Research Associate at Loughborough University, writes about the opportunity for the UK to be a world-leader in rehabilitation – and how R&D and innovation have an enormous …
Rehabilitation Matters: Neurosurgery and the National Rehabilitation Centre
June 17, 2022
Rehabilitation Matters is a series of stories and perspectives from people who care about effective clinical rehabilitation and the benefits it provides. Here, Alex Leggate, Consultant Neurosurgeon and Neuro-trauma Lead for the East Midlands, explains how the National Rehabilitation Centre presents an opportunity to be faster, more effective and more successful with treatments for complex …
Rehabilitation Matters: Thought and emotion in rehabilitation
November 29, 2021
Rehabilitation Matters is a series of stories and perspectives from people who care about effective clinical rehabilitation and the benefits it provides. The latest article by Dr Rob Stephens, Consultant Clinical Neuropsychologist at Nottingham University Hospitals, looks at the importance of a multidisciplinary approach to rehab and why patients’ emotional and cognitive needs are just …
Rehabilitation Matters: Transforming the face of rehabilitation
March 24, 2021
Rehabilitation Matters is a series of stories and perspectives from people who care about effective clinical rehabilitation and the benefits it provides. Starting with this article by the National Rehabilitation Centre’s (NRC) Programme Director Miriam Duffy, the series includes viewpoints from patients, clinicians, surgeons, academic partners and others. I don’t know Jack Willis, the 24-year …