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How do children in conflict and the refugee crisis respond to their situations?

For children who move from their countries of origin to new countries, there are many risks, challenges and opportunities. Professor Ravi Kohli, a Professor of Child Welfare at the University of Bedfordshire will be visiting The University of Nottingham next week to hold a public lecture and workshop looking at the notion that children who …

Who shot JFK? Marking 50 years since history’s most famous assassination

November 22 1963. For decades afterwards, most Americans, and many people around the world, could respond instantly to the question: “Where were you when you heard the news about the Kennedy assassination?” The shooting was regarded as a ‘flashbulb moment’ indelibly fixed in personal and national memory. Half a century later, most Americans, and most …

DH Lawrence’s Sons and Lovers: A Centenary Celebration

May 2013 marks 100 years since the publication of Sons and Lovers, DH Lawrence’s most autobiographical novel. Dr Andrew Harrison and Annalise Grice from the School of English look ahead to a guest lecture to celebrate the centenary. A public lecture by Professor Neil Roberts will be held at the University of Nottingham at 7pm …

Modern day slavery: leading expert to speak at Nottingham

This year marks the 150th anniversary of the emancipation of slaves in the US. Despite this, slavery has not been consigned to the history books and still endures in many parts of our modern world. Professor Zoe Trodd, Professor of American Literature in the Department of American and Canadian Studies, looks ahead to an event …