Chris Jagger scoops top award for Long-Term Contribution to University
April 12, 2017
Chris Jagger, Chief Estates and Facilities Officer at the University, has won the Association of University Directors of Estates’ (AUDE) Chair’s Award for Long Term Contribution. The award celebrates Chris’ long-term achievements benefiting the higher education estates and facilities management community. The 2017 AUDE Awards took place on 11 April at Manchester Metropolitan University. Each …
Nottingham is number one in the world for sustainability for the fourth time
January 22, 2016
The University of Nottingham has been ranked number one in the world for FOURTH time in in a list of the most sustainable universities. Nottingham was ranked first out of 400 universities that took part in the Greenmetric Ranking of World Universities 2015, which is produced by the University of Indonesia. The rankings take into account …
News from the week in brief
August 12, 2013
Very brief This week the University has embarked on the next phase of its ambitious development programme which will see £50m worth of improvements to its campuses. Nottingham researchers have been studying public opinion of using shale gas as a form of energy and have found that despite warnings, the UK public are warming to …