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Best of the blogs 3-9 March

Student life at the University of Nottingham As part of a series of videos documenting all aspects of Undergraduate student life at Nottingham, first year Zoology student James Smith created this video – some of the key things a first year could look forward to doing when they come to University. The video has done …

Best of the blogs 24-2 Feb/Mar

Centenary of the Students Union Vice-Chancellor David Greenaway reflects on the growing role of the SU at the University over the past 100 years as we celebrate the SU’s centenary this year. This picture is the 1923-24 committee – look how they’ve changed!  Did you know Karni, the SU’s student-run charity, raised over £1.5 million …

Did the trauma of World War One lead to great creativity?

Dr Victoria Tischler from the School of Medicine explores what trauma can do to the mind for BBC online’s coverage marking the Centenary of World War One. Dr Tischler co-presents – Did the Trauma of World War One lead to great creativity? – with Politician and Academic, Baroness Shirley Williams. In World War One the British army treated over …

How can we keep our heads above water?

After the wettest winter on record what can we do to protect ourselves from future flooding? Colin Thorne, Professor of Physical Geography at The University of Nottingham, says we need to establish blue green areas in our towns and cities, update our Victorian drainage system and decide how much and where we are going to …

Prestigious stateside trip for Nottingham’s green chemistry expert

The University of Nottingham’s green chemistry expert and YouTube star Professor Martyn Poliakoff has recently returned from a prestigious visit to the US and Canada, as part of a mission to showcase the excellence of UK science. Professor Poliakoff accompanied David Willetts, the Minister of Universities and Science, in his capacity as Foreign Secretary of …

Best of the blogs 17-23 Feb

The meaning of Ragnarok According to the Jorvik Viking Centre, we narrowly avoided the end of the world this weekend 22 Feburary, as the cataclysmic event of Old Norse mythology, Ragnarok,  failed to transpire. But where does the word ‘Ragnarok’ come from, and what does it mean? Our Professor of Viking Studies, Judith Jesch, attempts …

The Last Outing – improving end of life care for LGBT people

Dr Anne Patterson, Research Fellow in the Sue Ryder Care Centre for the Study of Supportive, Palliative and End of Life Care, gives an update on The Last Outing — a project to improve end of life care for LGBT people: We reported this time last year on a project which was just getting underway …

Posters in Parliament

When third year Art History student Emma Hardiman first set eyes on Hubert the deer, little did she know that just a few short months later she would be invited to the House of Lords. On Tuesday 25 February Emma will present at the Posters in Parliament event arranged by the British Conference of Undergraduate …

Is Ukraine governable?

The tragic events that unfolded in Kyiv on 18-19 February, in which at least 26 lives were lost including 12 police officers, begs the question as to whether Ukraine is governable. This latest wave of violence was started by radical elements amongst the protestors who having marched on the parliament were furious to learn that …

Best of the blogs 10-16 Feb

Playing cupid – stem cell scientists hoping to mend our ‘broken’ hearts Valentine’s Day sparked a flurry of blog posts this year, but none quite so poignant as this insight into ongoing research on the use of stem cells being used to mend broken hearts after massive heart failure. Read more on the Press Office …