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A big week for dementia

Tom Dening, Professor of Dementia Research at the Institute of Mental Health at The University of Nottingham, takes a look at this week’s major news announcements related to tackling dementia and funding new research into the degenerative condition. Although dementia is rarely out of the news and indeed often on the front pages of certain national papers, …

BBC TV’s Operation Ouch explores 3D printing’s medical revolution

Not everybody gets to hold a copy of their skull and gaze deep into their own eye sockets. TV presenter Dr Chris did just that – “it’s very, very, creepy, actually” – during a visit to the Centre for Biomolecular Sciences with Operation Ouch, BBC TV’s children’s show about the human body. A model of …

Sailing spiders

There’s something weird happening in the Spider Lab at The University of Nottingham. Spiders are taking to the water and ‘sailing’. This remarkable feat was observed by Dr Morito Hayashi when he was studying the activity of money spiders. Head of the University’s Spider Lab is Dr Sara Goodacre. The spider’s ability to ‘sail’ came as a …

New ‘manifesto’ for the health humanities

A new book by mental health experts at the University provides the world’s first manifesto for the new field of health humanities. Health Humanities, co-authored by Professor Paul Crawford — who was appointed the world’s first Professor in Health Humanities in 2011 — and colleagues in the Institute of Mental Health, draws upon the multiple …

New dementia arts hub for Nottingham

A new research hub looking at how painting, puppetry, singing and other arts can improve dementia care is being launched at the University. The Arts and Dementia (TAnDEM) doctoral training centre, funded by a grant from The Alzheimer’s Society, will be split 50-50 between Nottingham and its partner The University of Worcester. It will support …

Introducing ‘The Barn’

Students at the Sutton Bonington campus are enjoying the newly developed amenities building, which will now be known as The Barn. The Barn is set at the heart of the Sutton Bonington campus and includes a dining hall, common room, graduate centre, faith rooms, student services and a range of other facilities over three floors. …

£600,000 initiative will help save lives across the East Midlands

A ground-breaking project to reduce the risk of patients being prescribed the wrong medication is set to be rolled out across 150 East Midlands GP practices. Thousands of people across the East Midlands – including elderly and vulnerable patients – will benefit from the initiative, called ‘PINCER’. ‘PINCER’ stands for Pharmacist-led INformation technology intervention for reducing Clinically important ERrors …

Coeliac disease rates among young children has almost tripled in the last 20 years

The number of young children being diagnosed with coeliac disease in the UK has almost tripled in the last 20 years, according to research led by experts at The University of Nottingham. The study, published in the Archives of Disease in Childhood and jointly funded by the charities Coeliac UK and CORE, also found that …

Planning for The David Ross Sports Village is rejected

The University’s plans  to build a new £40m sports centre have been brought to a halt when a planning application was rejected by Nottingham City Council yesterday. The Registrar, Dr Paul Greatrix responds to the decision: “The decision smacks of hypocrisy. Given the number of mature trees, including 40 on University Boulevard, felled by the City …

Great British Railway Journeys drops in on University

With his trusty Bradshaw’s Railway Companion in hand Michael Portillo dropped in on The University of Nottingham on his way from Derby to Grantham last summer in his quest to learn more about that well-known high street chemist John Boot and his son Jesse. The presenter of the popular BBC Two tavelogue series ‘Great British …