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Please support the University’s #MeantToBe campaign

As many of you will be aware, the University is placing a strong focus on student recruitment over the coming year. To kick start this, the External Relations team has recently launched a campaign based around the hashtag #MeantToBe, which will be running prior to, during and after A level Results Day.  Its aim is …

Don’t fear the skyscraper – why London needs more tall buildings

By Philip Oldfield – writing for The Conversation Assistant Professor and Course Director, Masters in Sustainanble Tall Buildings at University of Nottingham and University of Nottingham British Science Association Media Fellow. From New York, to London, to Tokyo, tall buildings are a familiar – though not always popular – part of the cityscape. In Paris, there is vocal …

How clean is your car?

Experts at The University of Nottingham say your car could be dirtier than you think and a potential breeding ground for a host of bugs and bacteria including E. coli , Staphylococcus and mould. The discovery was made when the University’s Microbiology Investigation Centre was asked to team up with the car buying and selling …

250,000 University of Nottingham graduates

The 250,000th graduate of The University of Nottingham received her degree on Friday 17 July, at a ceremony presided over by Vice-Chancellor, Professor Sir David Greenaway. Victoria Rowley, 23 from Wickford in Essex, was awarded a first class LLB Hons Law on the final day of this year’s summer graduation at the East Midlands Conference Centre, …

Europe’s changing woods and forests — putting modern concerns into historical context

A new book co-written and edited by a University of Nottingham professor tells the story of European woods and forests and how our forest landscapes have changed over the last 10,000 years. The book, Europe’s Changing Woods and Forests: From Wildwood to Managed Landscapes is written by Charles Watkins, Professor of Rural Geography in the …

‘Thrill engineer’ takes to the air (literally) as BBC Coast presenter

 The University of Nottingham’s Brendan Walker, described by The Times as ‘the world’s only Thrill Engineer’, makes his debut tonight as a presenter for the popular BBC TV show ‘Coast’. Brendan has a cool title… Professor of Creative Industries but is also Principal Research Fellow in our School of Computer Science. He takes to the …

It’s hot, hot, hot! But ’twas ever thus!

As we sizzle in this week’s high temperatures it is worth remembering that heat waves have always been a feature of the British summer. And it is worth having a read of some of the archives currently being brought together by a team of experts led by The University of Nottingham. The Extreme Weather team …

How people misunderstand stalking

Members of the public have a fixed and faulty view of what stalkers look like, and this has potential implications for victims and court proceedings. That is the finding of research presented by the University’s Dr Simon Duff to the Annual Conference of the British Psychological Society’s Division of Forensic Psychology in Manchester on Wednesday …

Nottingham physicist receives medal for ‘pioneering’ work with dark energy

Dr Clare Burrage has been awarded the Maxwell medal and prize by the Institute of Physics (IOP) for outstanding contributions to the field of dark energy research. The award is presented to Dr Burrage, Royal Society University Research Fellow and proleptic lecturer in The University of Nottingham’s School of Physics and Astronomy, for her research …

Nottingham named among world’s 10 best green universities

The University of Nottingham is ranked among the 10 best green universities in the world, according to DesignCurial. Out of a survey including thousands of universities across the globe, the University was ranked 9th in the world, with the ranking taking into account green architecture, innovative green technologies and other green initiatives a university takes …