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Trust Me, I’m a Press Officer!

It can never be said that the work of a university press officer is not varied! Occasionally we’re asked to promote clinical trials that may be struggling to recruit but this time I thought I’d go the extra mile and volunteer for one myself as time was short. The BBC’s flagship TV health programme ‘Trust …

At 46 years-old is a Christmas pudding still edible?

A 46 year-old Christmas pudding is to go under the microscope to find out if it really would be good enough and safe enough to eat. Discovered by a family clearing out the home of their late relative the Christmas pudding was brought into the Microbiology Investigation Centre (MIC) in the School of Biosciences at …

Is it a world record? High hopes for hula hooper.

Rhona Mackay, a student from the University of Nottingham, is waiting confirmation that she has become a world record holder for hula-hooping at the highest altitude ever – 6,057m high on top of a volcano in Peru. Rhona, who is from Warrington, joined a group of 18 Peruvian and international charity workers from a Peruvian …

Nit-picking idea scoops top business prize

A team of enterprising scientists from the School of Pharmacy who have devised a way to detect and treat head lice, have scooped top prize in a business competition for biotechnology start-up companies. The Biotechnology Young Entrepreneurs Scheme (YES) sees early-career researchers from biosciences develop skills and learn about taking their research into the marketplace. It …

Living in space – how will Tim stay at the Peake of fitness?

At around 5.25pm this evening, the Soyuz space capsule carrying British astronaut Major Tim Peake will dock with the International Space Station, his home for the next seven months. It’s almost impossible to imagine what life on board ISS will be like for the 43-year-old former pilot. But in the days and weeks ahead, as …

Nottingham named UNESCO City of Literature

UNESCO has awarded the city of Nottingham the ‘City of Literature’ status. This coveted accolade was the result of a bid process that started two years ago. The University of Nottingham was one of the partners that played a major part in making the bid a success.     The announcement was made by the UNESCO …

Are the Cumbria floods due to climate change?

The current floods that have affected parts of Cumbria, Lancashire and south Scotland have been caused by unprecedented amounts of rainfall. This has led a lot of people to understandably raise a number of important issues and questions, such as: is the flooding a a sign of climate change; how unusual has the rainfall been …

We need to talk about the menopause

The Chief Medical Officer Professor Dame Sally Davies has called on bosses to be more aware of the menopause and the problems it can cause for some women in the workplace. A chapter in her annual report ‘The Health of the 51%’ out today highlights the research of Amanda Griffiths, Professor of Occupational Health Psychology from …

Monitoring the climate change talks

Academics at The University of Nottingham have been keeping a close watch on the climate change talks in Paris. Brigitte Nerlich, Professor of Science, Language and Society, and Dr Warren Pearce, a Research Fellow on the University of Nottingham’s Making Science Public programme  are part of an international team covering the summit with their Media Watch Blog: http://www.climatematters.hamburg/media-watch-blog/about-our-blog/ Meet …

Podcasting Professor’s sound evidence on human rights

Human rights researcher Professor Todd Landman has chosen International Human Rights Day to launch a Nuffield Foundation funded project that aims to share and promote the hard facts about human rights through podcasting.