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Galaxy clusters – what are they?

Over 500 scientists are descending on the Jubilee Campus at The University of Nottingham next week to discuss the latest breakthroughs and discoveries in astronomy. Many of these astronomers will be discussing massive agglomerations of galaxies called clusters. Dr Elizabeth Cooke and Kshitija Kelkar who studying distant clusters of galaxies here at the The University of Nottingham. Here …

Brexit: Europe’s new nationalism is here to stay

Simon Toubeau, Assistant Professor in the School of Politics and International Relations, discusses Brexit in an article for The Conversation: It is something of a tragic irony that the European Union – originally constructed to lay to rest the atavistic nationalist impulses of the 20th century – is today behind the resurgence of such feelings …

Sex, bugs and rock n’roll — University ecologist hits Glastonbury

There’s no shortage of mud at Glastonbury this week so The University of Nottingham’s Open Air Laboratories Community Scientist is in her element bringing soil science and other ecological messages to festival goers. Dr Sarah Pierce from the School of Life Sciences is part of a team of experts from the British Ecological Society taking their …

The importance and consequences of colliding galaxies

Five hundred astronomers will gather in Nottingham at the end of June for the Royal Astronomical Society’s annual National Astronomy Meeting – #NAM2016. The UK’s biggest astronomy meeting takes place this year at The University of Nottingham’s Jubilee Campus for one week from the 27 June to the 1 July. In the run up to this prestigious event …

Why is tonight’s full moon called a Strawberry Moon?

Want to know why tonight’s full moon is called a Strawberry Moon? Dr Julian Onions, who is studying galactic computer simulation in the School of Physics and Astronomy, has the answer. Tonight (well strictly noon 12:02 June 20th if we’re going to be pedantic) the moon is full again. This happens about 12 and a bit …

Visit to Central College, Nottingham with Lilian Greenwood MP

Dr Rebecca Dewey, Research Fellow in Neuroimaging at the University of Nottingham, gives an invited talk at Central College, Nottingham to a class of science students and Lilian Greenwood MP. Central College, Nottingham is one of the Royal Society’s Associate Schools and Colleges (https://royalsociety.org/grants-schemes-awards/associate-schools/). The Royal Society also runs a unique pairing scheme (http://royalsociety.org/training/pairing-scheme/) in …

Reach for the stars – 500 astronomers meet in Nottingham and the public can join in

The Royal Astronomical annual National Astronomy Meeting – NAM – comes to Nottingham for one week at the end of June.  Julian Onions, part time PhD student at The University of Nottingham, is studying galactic computer simulation and is one of the organisors of the event. In this blog he peers into future to tell us what’s …

Podium finish for Nottingham electric bike at Isle of Man TT Zero race

An electric superbike developed from scratch by The University of Nottingham has secured the quickest ever time for a university team at the Isle of Man TT Zero race. After coming third across the finish line at the SES TT Zero Challenge on Wednesday 8 June 2016, Nottingham is now officially the fastest university in TT history. …

The Orlando nightclub shootings: The worst mass shooting in American history

Professor Todd Landman discusses the tragic events in Orlando “Once again, the United States finds itself in the aftermath of a mass shooting. This time, however, the stakes are higher and the confluence of factors is more chilling: a perpetrator pledging allegiance to ISIS, a nightclub popular in the LGBT community, the use of an …

Praise for new national children’s brain tumour initiative

Cancer experts at the University have welcomed a new national initiative aimed at raising awareness of children’s brain tumours. The Royal College for General Practitioners (RCGP) has announced ‘Brain Tumours in Children’ as a new clinical special project which will run from 2016 until 2017. The overall aims of this project are to educate primary …