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University buildings shortlisted for regional awards

Two University of Nottingham buildings have been shortlisted for architectural awards. George Green Library on University Park and The GSK Carbon Neutral Laboratories for Sustainable Chemistry at Jubilee Campus have been shortlisted for the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) East Midlands 2017 Awards. Chris Jagger, Chief Estates and Facilities Officer at The University of …

Globalisation: where to from here?

Global trade as a percentage of GDP is stagnating globally, according to Chief Economist of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Sergei Guriev. Speaking at Asia House as part of The University of Nottingham’s Global Dialogues series, Guriev warned of ‘catastrophic consequences’ of a trade war between China and the US and the negative impacts of …

John Bercow: Parliament in an Anti-Politics Age and a cat called Order…

MPs should promise less and deliver better if they want to win the public’s trust according to Speaker of the House of Commons. Speaking at The University of Nottingham the Rt. Hon. John Bercow outlined his work in reforming the archaic institution, making it more accessible and engaging for voters. In the lecture Parliament in …

Tackling modern slavery together

The University of Nottingham and the Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner’s office will be working together to tackle slavery across the UK as part of a new collaborative project. Abolishing modern slavery is at the centre of the Prime Minister Teresa May’s personal policy agenda. Government policy to date has mainly focused on the implications for foreign …

Midlands Innovation welcomes the publication of the Midlands Engine strategy

Nottingham is one of six leading universities in the Midlands who have welcomed the Government’s vision for improving the region. The Government has today (9 March) set out the strategic framework for the Midlands Engine, addressing key productivity barriers. This will be achieved through improving connectivity, strengthening skills, supporting enterprise and innovation, promoting trade and enhancing quality …

Marking International Women’s Day with music

Dr Xenia Pestova, Director of Performance in the University’s School of Music, helped to mark International Women’s Day with a performance in London for BBC Radio 3. The ‘Open Ear’ concert highlighted music by female composers to mark international Women’s Day. Pestova’s performance featured pieces written especially for her to play on piano and toy …

Nottingham shortlisted for two national awards

The University of Nottingham has been shortlisted for two Guardian University Awards. A project to build creative talent in China and a teaching internship programme for vets have seen the university shortlisted in the International projects and Employability initiative categories respectively. Dr Paul Greatrix, Registrar at The University of Nottingham said: “This is really positive …

BBC Crimewatch tackles crime on the roads with help from the University’s driving simulator facility

This is powerful stuff and should make all of us think twice about breaking the law and using our mobile phone while driving. Last week the fine for using your mobile phone while driving doubled to £200. This week Crime Watch, with the help of experts here at the University of Nottingham, looked at the devastation that …

Parliament in Nottingham

The University of Nottingham will play host to well-known Westminster figures as part of a series of politically-themed events. On Wednesday 8 March the University’s School of Economics will host the Rt. Hon. Sir Vince Cable, former Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, and the Rt. Hon. Charles Clarke, former Home Secretary, as …

Sir Peter’s final journey

Hundreds of University of Nottingham staff and students, friends, colleagues and family have paid their final respects to Sir Peter Mansfield. On route to St John’s Church in Beeston the funeral cortege passed through University Park, marking the illustrious career Sir Peter had forged in Nottingham. The journey took in the Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging …