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Best of the blogs 24-30 March

Homesickness! How will you handle it? A new blog, International Student Life, aims to help describe Nottingham student life for an International student, by an International student. Anthony Olatunji Akerele describes the feelings of homesickness he experienced when arriving in Nottingham – something which literature and information he read before coming to study here had not …

Best of the blogs 17-23 March

Ukraine’s future depends on a delicate power game in the East Adam Swain, Associate Professor of Economic Geography, continues to offer further insight on the developments in Ukraine on our Press Office blog. Dr Swain has been out in the country over the past week, sharing pictures and expert commentary on the events unfolding there. You …

Two Mikados, one university

Of all the things you could list to justify the assessment of The University of Nottingham as ‘the nearest Britain has to a truly global university’*, you might expect a comic musical written almost 130 years ago to be somewhere near the bottom. However, two independent productions of Gilbert & Sullivan’s The Mikado have provided …

Geography students to help in search for missing Malaysia Airlines jet

Using Earth observation satellite platforms students at The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus are being asked to help in the search for the missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370. The Malaysian authorities have now extended their search for the missing plane – the area has now covers both sides of the Malaysian peninsular – a total of 27,000 …

Best of the blogs 24-2 Feb/Mar

Centenary of the Students Union Vice-Chancellor David Greenaway reflects on the growing role of the SU at the University over the past 100 years as we celebrate the SU’s centenary this year. This picture is the 1923-24 committee – look how they’ve changed!  Did you know Karni, the SU’s student-run charity, raised over £1.5 million …

Best of the blogs 17-23 Feb

The meaning of Ragnarok According to the Jorvik Viking Centre, we narrowly avoided the end of the world this weekend 22 Feburary, as the cataclysmic event of Old Norse mythology, Ragnarok,  failed to transpire. But where does the word ‘Ragnarok’ come from, and what does it mean? Our Professor of Viking Studies, Judith Jesch, attempts …

Posters in Parliament

When third year Art History student Emma Hardiman first set eyes on Hubert the deer, little did she know that just a few short months later she would be invited to the House of Lords. On Tuesday 25 February Emma will present at the Posters in Parliament event arranged by the British Conference of Undergraduate …

Best of the blogs 10-16 Feb

Playing cupid – stem cell scientists hoping to mend our ‘broken’ hearts Valentine’s Day sparked a flurry of blog posts this year, but none quite so poignant as this insight into ongoing research on the use of stem cells being used to mend broken hearts after massive heart failure. Read more on the Press Office …

So life-like it’s virtually alive

How do you tell if something is alive? The answer to this question should be fairly obvious, but a computer controlled starfish created by a Nottingham PhD student shows that reality isn’t always what it seems. Whilst Richard Brown was a Research Fellow at the Royal College of Art, he created the computer-controlled installation called …

Make a New Year resolution to improve the world around you

A new online course introducing learners of any age to the key issues surrounding sustainability starts next week and you can still sign up because it is free and open to everyone. This is the first free online course run by The University of Nottingham as part of a new venture with FutureLearn. The eight week …